Daily Scrum Meeting Minutes 1 - WhiteCloud27/Admission-Management-System GitHub Wiki

Date/Location:05-01-2022, Google meet

Attendees: Mahbub Islam Mahim(MM), Rama Kundu Prova(RP), Samin Yasar Chowdhury(SC), Md. Azizul(MA), Mallika Dey(MD)

Start Time: 10:10 PM

End Time: 10:30 PM


  • We will install Doxygen in our own device and use it.
  • We will complete our individual task by 6 January, 2022.


  1. Complete indiviual task.
  2. Install and use doxygen.
  3. Implement 'Navigation Bar'.
Action Allocated team member(s) deadline
Action 1 All 06/01/2022
Action 2 All 06/01/2022
Action 3 MM 06/01/2022
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