Prepare and Submit Jobs - TreeMaker/TreeMaker GitHub Wiki

  1. Log into CMS Connect and go to your working area, inside the RHEL7 container (replace [username] with your CMS Connect username):

    ssh [username]
    cmssw-el7 --env "PERL5LIB=" --bind `readlink -f $HOME` --bind /scratch --bind /ospool --bind /cvmfs -- /bin/bash
    cd /scratch/`whoami`/CMSSW_10_6_29_patch1/src/
    cd TreeMaker/Production/test

    (If condor commands are not working, you may need to use /bin/bash -l at the end of the cmssw-el7 command.)

  2. Setup for job submission:

    ./ myProd
    cd myProd
    cp /scratch/pedrok/assignmentsV20v6/`whoami`.prodconfig .prodconfig
  3. Get a grid proxy (lasts for 7 days by default, then you must renew it), make a CMSSW tarball, and copy it to EOS:

    ./ -i root://`whoami`
  4. Prepare and submit the assigned jobs:

    python -p -o root:// -k --cpus 4 -t root://`whoami`/ -f --no-queue-arg
    python -s -o root:// -k --cpus 4 -t root://`whoami`/ -f --no-queue-arg

    Submitting jobs on CMS Connect may be slow. Do not worry if it takes longer than you expect.