Class Database - Trebossalol/localdb GitHub Wiki


class Database<Entries extends EntryInterface<Entries>>

First, it is recommended to create interfaces for your entries

interface User {
  username: string;

interface Settings {
  some_bool: boolean
  some_string: string

Those are important for typescript, that you can autocomplete support.

Create a database

Create an instance and pass the interfaces to the Entry you want.

To create an entry in your db, just pass an object in the Database#entries section and include your entry-names and the corresponding entry type (Collection, Map, ...).

const db = new Database('mydb', {
    absolutePath: './db',
    entries: {
      accounts: new Collection<User>('accounts'),
      settings: new Map<Settings>('settings', { template: DefaultSettings })


absolutePath : string - A path to a folder, where all database details should be stored

entries : EntryInterface<E> - An object which declares your entries, example:

    accounts: new Collection<User>('accounts'),
    settings: new Map<Settings>('settings', { template: DefaultSettings })

collectionConfig : CollectionConfig - Configuration which will be applied to each entry

normalize : (document) => string - A callback which will normalize the output json string (default: (doc) => JSON.stringify(doc, null, 3))


async start() - A method which will initalize the db, if this method isn't called before accessing entries, there will be an error

async access<N extends keyof Entries>(name: N) : A method to access an entry, parameter name must be valid name of your entries. This method returns the entry (Collection, Map, ...)

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️