bus stops - TransportSG/TransportSG GitHub Wiki

TransportSG API - Bus Stops


This API returns a list of all bus stop codes of the active bus stops in Singapore

Request URL



This API takes no parameters.


Returns a JSON array containing the bus stop codes

[ busStopCode: string ]

busStopCode string

The bus stop code


This API returns detailed information regarding a bus stop

Request URL



:busStopCode the bus stop code of the bus stop to be queried.


Returns a JSON object containing information regarding the bus stop.

busStop: object

Under busStop:

busStopCode string: the bus stop code of the given bus stop. It is stored as a string to ensure that 4 digit bus stop codes are still padded to 5 digits, with leading 0s.

busStopName string: the human friendly name of the bus stop, usually based of a nearby landmark such as an HDB flat, or a building.

position GeoJSON Point: an object representing the location of the bus stop.

roadName string: the name of the road the bus stop is on.

locale object (optional): translated names for the bus stop, and the road name.

Under locale:

chinese: the chinese names of the bus stop and the road, given by the fields busStopName and roadName respectively.

nearbyAttraction string (optional): the name of a tourist attraction near the bus stop.


This API returns a list of busStops based on the given bus stop codes.

Request URL



:busStopCodes a comma separated list of bus stop codes to query.


Returns a JSON array containing busStop objects.

See Bus Stop by Bus Stop Code for fields under busStop.

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