Help Commands - TraderPlan/wiki GitHub Wiki
Commands/Shortcuts: [pre]help
Description: TraderPlan comes with a unique feature that allows the user to access a discord based help function.
How do I use this feature? Type [pre]help pivot into the message field
This example will direct the user to a quick breakdown of how the [pre]pivot command is used.
Commands/Shortcuts: [pre]support or [pre]gethelp
Description: TraderPlan provides a unique feature that allows the user to communicate directly with TraderPlan support staff without having to leave their automation channel.
How do I use this feature? Type [pre]support I need help setting up my pivot strategy. into the message field
Type [pre]gethelp I need help setting up my pivot strategy. into the message field
This example will send a direct support message to the TraderPlan Support HQ Team. The support staff will receive "I need help setting up my pivot strategy." and will respond as soon as possible.
Supporting Resources:
TraderPlan Support HQ
Commands/Shortcuts: [pre]tutorial
Description: The tutorial provided is not a fail-safe plan, but a great place to get started. Traders will be provided with a broad overview of which commands to start with.
How do I use this feature? Type [pre]tutorial into the message field
This example will provide the user with a step-by-step introductory setup