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How do trailing stops work in TraderPlan?

You can refer to guide on Trailing Stops.


My wallet balances is not updating, and none of my strategies are running

This usually occurs if your bot is paused, either because you typed [pre]pause or you entered invalid exchange credentials causing the bot to pause automatically.

Try typing [pre]resume to resume your bot.

The bot could not detect the order it placed

This occurs occassionally because the bot could not match the order it placed with the order on the exchange. This may happen due to network issues with the exchange, or an incorrect order ID provided by the exchange.

This happens more frequently on certain exchanges (e.g. Cryptopia) where you run multiple strategies on the same pair. For Cryptopia, they do not provide the orderId, so TraderPlan assumes the most recent trade matches the order that was placed by the bot. So, if you have a straddle strategy running, it might erroneously match an order that was placed by the pivot strategy, resulting in the pivot not being able to match the order because it was already matched.

If the bot disabled your strategy, then re-enable it again.

If you're using Cryptopia, avoid running multiple strategies on the same pair.