Command Index - TraderPlan/wiki GitHub Wiki

Command Index

This is a comprehensive list of commands that TradePlan will respond to. Please refer to the individual channels for each command category for further details for use. Command text surrounded by < > are required switches, while text surrounded by [ ] are optional additions to the command, which are not required. [pre] is in place of the specific prefix chosen by the server owner (Default prefix symbol is !).

Setup Commands

[pre]credentials - Adds or modifies exchange credentials.

[pre]deletecredentials - Deletes your exchange credentials.

[pre]exchange [EXCHANGENAME]; [pre]ex [EXCHANGENAME]; [pre]exchanges [EXCHANGENAME] - Shows or sets the default exchange.

[pre]invoice [new]; [pre]inv [new]; [pre]invoicing [new] - Views an existing invoice; Generates a new invoice where the user is given menu prompts to complete a subscription.

[pre]register - Register as a new user.

[pre]setreport [channelname]- Where to send TraderPlan information feed.

[pre]subscribe - Manages your subscription.

Help Commands

[pre]commands - Show the list commands.

[pre]help [[pre]specific command]; [pre][specific command] - Gets help for a specific command.

[pre]support ; [pre]gethelp - Sends a message to our live support help desk.

[pre]tutorial - Brings up the tutorial.

Exchange Commands

[pre]buy <base_amount> [price/market/limit/trail/maker/taker] - Used to open a bid order on your default exchange.

[pre]sell <base_amount> [price/market/limit/trail/maker/taker] - Used to open a ask order on your default exchange.

[pre]cancelexchangeorder <transaction_id> - Cancels an existing exchange command !buy or !sell; transaction_id is issued by TraderPlan at time of order placement.

[pre]exchangeorders - Show a list of open orders on your default exchange.

[pre]orderbook [depth=#]; [pre]orderbooks [depth=#]; [pre]books [depth=#] - Lists the orderbook for the market of your choice on your default exchange.

[pre]base counter - Gives a report of the price, volume, and market information from the designated market.

Portfolio Commands

[pre]buys [base] [counter]; [pre]buyreport [base] [counter] - Shows the recent buys for a designated market or just the most recent buys in general.

[pre]sells [base] [counter]; [pre]sellreport [base] [counter] - Shows the recent sells for a designated market or just the most recent sells in general.

[pre]wallet; [pre]wal - Reports the current wallet balances of all currencies held and total balance of wallet from the active exchange.

[pre]pause; [pre]stop - Pauses/stop all activity of TraderPlan. This will not pause a established trail or cancel an open order.

[pre]resume; [pre]start - Resume/start the activity of TraderPlan.

Pivot Commands

[pre]addpivot ; [pre]ap - Adds a pivot strategy for the designated market. After TraderPlan has created the pivot, the pivot editor will opened for the market chosen.

[pre]editpivot [base] [counter]; [pre]setpivot [base] [counter]; [pre]ep [base] [counter]; [pre]sp [base] [counter]; [pre]pe [base] [counter] - Opens pivot editor or opens a designated market's pivot strategy to edit.

[pre]removepivot ; [pre]rp - Removes the designated pivot market. Currently, this does not stop any trails or cancel any open orders for the market.

[pre]pivot ; [pre]p - Shows the pivot settings of the designated pivot market. The pivot cannot be edited from this view.

[pre]pivotreport; [pre]pr - Show a brief summary report of all pivots.

Straddle Commands

[pre]addstraddle ; [pre]as - Adds a straddle strategy for the designated market. After TraderPlan has created the straddle, the straddle editor will opened for the market chosen.

[pre]editstraddle [base] [counter]; [pre]setstraddle [base] [counter]; [pre]es [base] [counter]; [pre]ss [base] [counter]; [pre]se [base] [counter] - Opens the straddle editor or opens a designated market's straddle strategy to edit.

[pre]removestraddle ; [pre]rs - Removes the designated straddle market. Currently, this does not stop any trails or cancel any open orders for the market.

[pre]straddle ; [pre]s - Shows the straddle settings of the designated straddle market. The straddle cannot be edited from this view.

[pre]straddlereport; [pre]sr - Show a brief summary report of all straddles.

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