Traffic War - Stoneskies/Stoneskies GitHub Wiki

Custom War

Developer: TrafficConeGod

Towny Changes

  • Upon making a town you will also be given a nation, war is between nations and so you always have to have one.
  • All forms of teleportation are disabled during a war
  • /n leave declares a war of independence instead of leaving peacefully.
  • Nations have infamy, a measure of their aggressiveness. Justifying and adding wargoals adds infamy and it makes justifying longer and if it's high enough gives everyone dismantle casus bellis on you.

Declaring a war

To declare a war you first have to have a justified reason for war, a casus belli. In Stoneskies you can justify casus bellis and they can take up to 2 days to be justified, after justifying you can use it to declare war. They will also expire after 3 days. You can justify a casus belli to demand a town, free a town, conquer a city-state, or humiliate a nation(does nothing).

Commands: /n justify <nation> <casus belli>

/n <nation> (to check to see what casus bellis you and others have)

After having justified your cause, you can do /n declare <nation> <casus belli> to formally declare war. Doing /n leave without being the capital also does the same thing, except your casus belli is independence.

Commands: /n declare <nation> <casus belli>

After declaring a war/having a war being declared on you, you can call your allies with /n call <ally>, they can refuse or accept the call to arms, if they do, their towns and players are counted in the war and can be occupied and killed inside towns.

Commands: /n call <ally>

Winning a war

Wars are based around warscore, you can earn warscore through 3 ways. Occupying towns, killing members, and killing the king. After 3 days wars, time out and the person with more warscore is the victor.

You can occupy towns by standing in their homeblock for a given period of time, Occupation gives you a warscore based on how much of the nation's towns (as a percent) were occupied, halfed. If you occupy the entire nation you receive 60% warscore. Occupying the Capital of a nation also automatically grants you 30% warscore, ignoring the amount of towns in your nation.

Killing members of nation gives you an amount of warscore depending on how many people are in said nation, in a 1 person nation that would be 17%. You cannot gain more than 50% for killing members. Each Member can be killed three times before they are counted as out of the war.

Killing the king of a nation automatically gives you 10% warscore, doesn't matter how many people there are in your nation. You can keep killing the king for a maximum of 30% warscore, before he himself is counted as out of the war.

After a period of 3 days, the war scores are calculated and the one with more warscore wins the conflict. Commands:

/n war <nation>

Making Peace

If you want to make peace before the time limit, you can surrender, demand, or agree to a peace. You can add wargoals using /n addgoal and you can add any casus belli as a wargoal, though they add large amounts of infamy to your nation, there's also a limit on how many you can add. These are enforced before the end of the war though you could always negotiate and have them surrender to different terms. EXPERIMENTAL! /n peace allows you to white peace with the enemy, ending the war. You can also surrender to a nation's terms before the time limit using /n surrender, thus enforcing their demands.


/n addgoal <nation> <casus belli>

/n surrender <nation>

/n peace <nation>

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