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SAGBI - Soil Agricultural Groundwater Banking Index

SGMA - Sustainable Groundwater Management Act - 2014

The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) is a three-bill package that passed the California state legislature and was signed into California state law by Governor Jerry Brown in September 2014. Its purpose is to ensure better local and regional management of groundwater use and it seeks to have a sustainable groundwater management in California by 2042. It emphasizes local management and formed groundwater sustainability agencies (GSAs) from local and regional authorities1(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainable_Groundwater_Management_Act#cite_note-davis-1) who submitted groundwater sustainability plans (GSPs) to the state between 2020 and 2022.2(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainable_Groundwater_Management_Act#cite_note-2)

AB 1739

AB 1739 gives the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) or a groundwater sustainability agency (GSA) the authority to establish fees (detailed in SB 1168) and offer support to "entities that extract or use groundwater to promote water conservation and protect groundwater resources". GSAs are locally controlled organizations in California's high- and medium-priority groundwater basins and are responsible for preparing a groundwater sustainability plan (GSP), implementing SGMA, and coordinating with neighbors.7(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainable_Groundwater_Management_Act#cite_note-7)

AB 1739 also requires DWR to organize and publish an online report with estimates of groundwater replenishment and best practices.

SB 1319

Approved by Governor Jerry Brown on September 16, 2014, Senator Pavley's SB 1319 authorized local agencies to implement a groundwater plan.

Senate bill 1319 requires for the groundwater management plans to follow specific and include components that the state deems as sustainable for the specific groundwater basin and aligns with the SGMA timeline. If an agency was seeking funds from the Department of Water Resources for a project regarding groundwater or groundwater quality, they too have to abide to specific requirements such as preparing and implementing a groundwater management plan.9(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainable_Groundwater_Management_Act#cite_note-9)

SB 1168

A State bill in California that requires that any use of groundwater be both reasonable and beneficial.

Specifically, SB 1168 gives GSAs the authority to:

Require registration from a groundwater extraction facility Require that a groundwater extraction facility be measured by a water-measuring device and to regulate the extraction based on the measurements Conduct inspections and obtain warrants It requires the Department of Water Resources to:

Investigate California's groundwater basins every five years and report its findings to the California State Legislature Look at the monitoring of groundwater elevations in each basin and prioritize them based on adverse effects to the local habitats and streamflows

California DWR - uses airborne and ground-based electromagnetics to create continuous images of the subsurface geology to identify possible recharge areas.