GUI Translation - RomRaider/RomRaider GitHub Wiki

A guide to translating RomRaider into your language

The RomRaider GUI can be translated by creating new translation files. These files are resource bundle property files. Each file is named after the Java class to which it applies.

For example: to translate the ECUExec class file, create a new properties file for your language and locale. For French Canadian the file will be named The file must be stored in the i18n directory in the same directory hierarchical tree as the Java classes.
The ECUExec class lives in the directory path com\romraider, so the new translation file will be stored in i18n\com\romraider\. On the Windows OS platform RomRaider is installed into the C:\Program Files (x86)\ directory. Therefore all of the translation files exist in the C:\Program Files (x86)\RomRaider\i18n\ directory.

A translation property file with no language and locale in the filename is used when no specific language and locale file is present.

i18n directory tree

Once all of the existing property files have been translated, you may push them to your GitHub RomRaider repository fork and make a pull request to contribute them to the official repository.

ResourceBundle Tutorial
Properties File Syntax