grunt.option - Ramanonos/grunt GitHub Wiki

The Grunt option API is for sharing parameters across multiple tasks and accessing parameters set on the command line.

An example would be a flag to target whether your build is for development or staging. On the command line: grunt deploy --target=staging would cause grunt.option('target') to return "staging".

An example Gruntfile to utilize the target option could be:

  compass: {
   dev: {
     options: {
       /* ... */
       outputStyle: 'expanded'
    staging: {
      options: {
        /* ... */
        outputStyle: 'compressed'
var target = grunt.option('target') || 'dev';
grunt.registerTask('deploy', ['compass:' + target]);

As you run grunt deploy your stylesheets would default to the dev target and output the CSS in the expanded format. If you ran grunt deploy --target=staging the staging target would instead be ran and your CSS would be in the compressed format.

grunt.option can be used within tasks as well, for example:

grunt.registerTask('upload', 'Upload code to specified target.', function(n) {
  var target = grunt.option('target');
  // do something useful with target here
grunt.registerTask('deploy', ['validate', 'upload']);

Note that boolean options can be specified using just a key without a value. For example, running grunt deploy --staging on the command line would cause grunt.option('staging') to return true.

grunt.option ☃

Gets or sets an option.

grunt.option(key[, val])

Boolean options can be negated by prepending no- onto the key. For example:

grunt.option('staging', false);
var isDev = grunt.option('no-staging');
// isDev === true


Initialize grunt.option. If initObject is omitted option will be initialized to an empty object otherwise will be set to initObject.



Returns the options as an array of command line parameters.
