M3 Configuration Recipes - ProjectMirador/mirador GitHub Wiki

Sample setting bundles for implementers. See options in config/settings.js

Single-item view

View a single item and restrict user's ability to tinker with Workspace settings.

  // For more info about adding and configuring languages in Mirador, see: 
  // https://github.com/ProjectMirador/mirador/wiki/M3-Internationalization-(i18n) 
  language: 'en', // Set default language display here. 
  availableLanguages: { // All the languages available in the language switcher
    de: 'Deutsch',
    en: 'English',
  window: {
    allowClose: false,
	defaultSideBarPanel: 'attribution',
	sideBarOpenByDefault: true,
  workspace: {
	showZoomControls: true,
    type: 'mosaic', // Which workspace type to load by default. Other possible values are "elastic"
  workspaceControlPanel: {
    enabled: false,

Gallery viewer

Focus on a single manifest with multiple canvases (Code | Demo )

{ ...
windows: [{
        manifestId: 'https://iiif.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/iiif/manifest/e32a277e-91e2-4a6d-8ba6-cc4bad230410.json',
        view: 'gallery',
    window: {
        allowClose: false, // Prevent the user from closing this window
        allowMaximize: false,
        defaultSideBarPanel: 'info',
        sideBarOpenByDefault: true,
        views: [ // Only allow the user to select single and gallery view
            { key: 'single' },
            { key: 'gallery' },
    workspace: {
        type: 'mosaic',
    workspaceControlPanel: {
        enabled: false, // Remove extra workspace settings

Researcher Workspace