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Johan Veldhuis edited this page Aug 11, 2022 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the Teams AA/CQ Orchestrator (TACO) wiki! In this Wiki you will find all the information available for the Teams AA/CQ Orchestrator App. The Wiki is divided in the following sections:

  1. Solution overview
    This part of the Wiki will explain the high level architecture of the Teams AA/CQ Orchestrator App. It does include graphical representations to get an easy overview of the different components of the app as well as how they are connected together.

  2. Deployment
    In this part you will find the steps required to deploy the application. As with all applications we do recommend to first test and validate the app in a non-production environment prior to deploying it to production.

  3. Configuration
    This part will focus on the different parts of the Teams AA/CQ Orchestrator App and how you can configure them.

  4. Update This part will focus on how you can update the existing version of the Teams AA/CQ Orchestrator App to a more recent version.

  5. FAQ
    This part will continuously be expanded and will contains answers to questions we receive about the tool. If you have a question about the app this is a good starting point to review before asking the question in the Discussion Area

If you have feedback about how we can improve our documentation don't hesitate to let us know.

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