Releasing changes to production - DOI-ONRR/ GitHub Wiki

We make the requested changes in the development site first. We then notify the creator of the issue via github that the requested change has been made and post a link to the development site for review. Once the issue creator has reviewed and approved the issue via a github comment, we push the change to the live site.

How to upload MSA monthly prices on

Uploading NYMEX monthly prices

  1. A MSA team member will create an issue in GitHub requesting that we add in the new months NYMEX prices on
    • An excel file will be included in the GitHub request
  2. Save the excel file using the naming structure “NYMEXMMYY”. For example, July 2021 data should be saved as “NYMEX0721”
  3. Save the excel file here: Y(iondeniisp01):\valuation\ExcelFiles
  4. Navigate to Y(iondeniisp01):\assets and open the excel file titled “NYMEX”
  5. In this “NYMEX” excel, add in the following information from the excel file in steps 1-3:
    • date,
    • calendar month average,
    • NYMEX roll, and
    • the name of the excel file in steps1-3
    • NOTE: this information is in the "Monthly Summary" tab of the “NYMEXMMYY” excel
  6. Once this data is added to the “NYMEX” excel, save and close the document
  7. Check the dev site to make sure the most recent month is updated
  8. Once verifying that the dev site is updated, send the following link to the MSA team member for review. http://2017onrr/valuation/NYMEX.htm
  9. Once the MSA team member approves the changes, you can make the updates live.
  10. To make the changes live:
    • Copy over the “NYMEXMMYY” excel file from Y(iondeniisp01):\valuation\ExcelFiles to Z(isehrnpubstg01):\valuation\ExcelFiles
    • Copy the “NYMEX” excel file from Y(iondeniisp01):\assets to Z(isehrnpubstg01):\assets
  11. Let the MSA team member know that:
    • The changes are live,
    • It can take up to 30min for the live site to update, and
    • Use “Ctrl+F5” to refresh
  12. Only close the GitHub issue after you verify that the live site incorporates the updates.

Uploading Indian Index Zone monthly prices

  1. A MSA team member will create an issue in GitHub requesting that we add in the new months Indian Index Zone prices on
  2. Copy prices for the most recent month from the shared spreadsheet from the Index-Zones tab:
    • Note: you may need to request access to the document if this is your first time updating the prices. Maroya will provide access and the link to the spreadsheet.
  3. Navigate to Y(iondeniisp01):\assets and open up the “Index-Zones” excel file
  4. Paste the prices copied from the shared spreadsheet in step 2 into the “IndexZones” spreadsheet in step 3.
  5. Check the dev site to make sure the most recent month is updated
  6. Once verifying that the dev site is updated, send the following link to the MSA team member for review: http://2017onrr/valuation/allzones.htm
  7. Once the MSA team member approves the changes, you can make the updates live.
  8. To make the changes live:
    • Copy the “Index-Zones” excel file from Y(iondeniisp01):\assets to Z(isehrnpubstg01):\assets
  9. Let the MSA team member know that:
    • The changes are live,
    • It can take up to 30min for the live site to update, and
    • Use “Ctrl+F5” to refresh
  10. Only close the GitHub issue after you verify that the live site incorporates the updates.

Uploading Indian Major Portion Gas monthly prices

  1. A MSA team member will create an issue in GitHub requesting that we add in the new months Indian Major Portion Gas prices on
  2. Copy prices for the most recent month from the shared spreadsheet from the IndianMajorPortionGas tab:
    • Note: you may need to request access to the document if this is your first time updating the prices. Maroya will provide access and the link to the spreadsheet.
  3. Navigate to Y(iondeniisp01):\assets and open up the “IndianMajorPortionGasPrices” excel file
  4. Paste the prices copied from the shared spreadsheet in step 2 into the “IndianMajorPortionGasPrices” spreadsheet in step 3.
  5. Check the dev site to make sure the most recent month is updated
  6. Once verifying that the dev site is updated, send the following link to the MSA team member for review: http://2017onrr/valuation/MonMajPP.htm
  7. Once the MSA team member approves the changes, you can make the updates live.
  8. To make the changes live:
    • Copy the “IndianMajorPortionGasPrices” excel file from Y(iondeniisp01):\assets to Z(isehrnpubstg01):\assets
  9. Let the MSA team member know that:
    • The changes are live,
    • It can take up to 30min for the live site to update, and
    • Use “Ctrl+F5” to refresh
  10. Only close the GitHub issue after you verify that the live site incorporates the updates.

Uploading Indian Oil Index Based Major Portion (IBMP) monthly prices

  1. A MSA team member will create an issue in GitHub requesting that we add in the new months IBMP prices on
  2. Copy prices for the most recent month from the shared spreadsheet from the IBMP tab:
    • Note: you may need to request access to the document if this is your first time updating the prices. Maroya will provide access and the link to the spreadsheet.
  3. Navigate to Y(iondeniisp01):\assets and open up the “IBMP” excel file
  4. Paste the prices copied from the shared spreadsheet in step 2 into the “IBMP” spreadsheet in step 3.
  5. Check the dev site to make sure the most recent month is updated
  6. Once verifying that the dev site is updated, send the following link to the MSA team member for review: http://2017onrr/valuation/IndianOilIBMP.htm
  7. Once the MSA team member approves the changes, you can make the updates live.
  8. To make the changes live:
    • Copy the “IBMP” excel file from Y(iondeniisp01):\assets to Z(isehrnpubstg01):\assets
  9. Let the MSA team member know that:
    • The changes are live,
    • It can take up to 30min for the live site to update, and
    • Use “Ctrl+F5” to refresh
  10. Only close the GitHub issue after you verify that the live site incorporates the updates.