Page Index - MultiverseMiner/multiverseminer GitHub Wiki
41 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Multiverse Miner
- Topics For Developers
- Topics For Users
- Get Started
- Account Creation Process
- Available Technologies
- Basic Collection Equation
- Best collection method for Various Elements
- Changes
- Character Stat Mechanic
- Class Breakdown
- Class Ideas
- Code_Todo
- Collection Rates for Classes
- Combat
- Comparison of HTML5 game Engines
- Crafting
- Database Design Discussion
- Defining relationships between Players, Characters and Inventory
- Docs
- Feature Roadmap
- Gameplay
- Gathering
- Installation
- Introduction to Flask and Python
- Minigame vs. Timer vs. Clicking vs. Auto collection
- Mining
- Needed Pixel Art
- Player Titles
- Quest Design
- Scavenge
- Storyline
- Suggested Gameplay Mechanics
- Suggested Gameplay Mechanics: Gathering Mini game
- Suggested Gameplay Mechanics: Mining Mini game
- Suggested Gameplay Mechanics: Planetary Exploration
- The Team
- Tools Utilized
- Types of Buildings
- Xenografting