[Archive] Archnemesis - Lailloken/Lailloken-UI GitHub Wiki

User Interface

Archnemesis UI The tool's UI consists of a letter bar and a recipe panel that shows lists of chase and burn recipes, as well as burn mods.


Using image recognition, this tool scans the contents of your archnemesis inventory, which enables a multitude of features not found in the game:

  • creating a user-configurable list of favorite/chase recipes
  • monitoring the progress of chase recipes by breaking them down in a tree-view schematic
  • highlighting recipes connected to your list that are ready to be assembled
  • highlighting irrelevant mods and recipes that can be safely 'burned' without interfering with your list
  • calculating which and how many base mods you need in order to complete your recipe list
  • calculating your surplus in archnemesis mods for easy inventory management
  • showing where the required base mods commonly drop, and suggesting optimal drop locations where multiple mods drop (data source, creator: u/Rymse)
  • automatic recipe selection for a 1-click-0-attention interaction with the league mechanic
  • blacklisting certain recipes that you want to avoid running

Initial scanner setup

training_new Rather than using universal image recognition, the tool has to be 'trained' manually. This means it has a longer set-up time (around 5 to 8 minutes cumulatively for the whole league-period, or 7 to 10 seconds per icon), but this should provide higher scanning speeds and accuracy in the long run – think of it as 'tailored' to your system and settings.

The tool scans your archnemesis inventory slot by slot, starting from the top left and working its way down the columns. Whenever it finds a new icon, it asks you to specify which archnemesis mod this icon belongs to. This has to be done only once per icon for the vast majority of users (see 'known issues' at the end of this page).

Navigating the UI

Archnemesis Letter Bar The letter bar is used to navigate a sort of glossary of the available archnemesis mods. Clicking an entry will highlight it in yellow and add it to the priority list, right-clicking it will highlight it in red and add it to the blacklist. The PREV button restores the in-game search to a previously selected recipe, B-LIST shows your blacklisted recipes, and the SCAN button initiates a scan of your inventory.

The priority list

Untitled 6 The priority list is the center-piece of the tool and contains the set of archnemesis mods that you want to run as the endgame of the league-mechanic, i.e. the money-maker, the big wombo-combo. As such, this is where you set your goal for the archnemesis mechanic, and the tool accompanies you there and supplies recipe suggestions based on your inventory state and overall progression. Long-clicking the (?) icon will show UI navigation tips.

Green highlighting indicates that your inventory contains at least one assembled version of the recipe, and the quantity is shown in brackets. Indented entries show available recipes that are connected to your chase archnemesis mods. The panel also shows how close you are to completing the current set of the prio-list (X bases missing).

Long-right-click an entry on the list to remove it, long-right-click the 'prio-list' label to clear the whole list. You can right-click an entry to pause its tracking. This will highlight it in purple and stop suggestions for this specific recipe, freeing up the components so that these may be used elsewhere. This is different from removing a recipe in that its components stay prioritized and don't go into the burn pool. Pausing a recipe is useful if it's pulling ahead of others, or if you feel you have assembled enough of it for now.

What to put in: You only need to add the end-point of a recipe chain to the list (e.g. Innocence-touched), the tool will calculate everything leading up to that. So there is no need to put the whole chain into the list (I specify this here because there had been some confusion in the past).

How it calculates: By default, the system cross-checks every entry of your prio-list with your inventory state and calculates the required remaining pieces. That means it will only suggest assembling each sub-component once to complete the entry. As an example: Innocence-touched requires Lunaris-, Solaris-touched, Mirror Image, and Mana Siphoner. You can blindly follow the suggestions without the fear of assembling multiples of these until Innocence-touched is assembled. Then the next round of suggestions will start and, again, one set of its sub-components will be worked on. Starting with v1.22.4, this behavior can be changed by the user to make the tool suggest recipes regardless of whether demand for this recipe is met. To do so, click the 'prio-list' panel and the checkbox 'produce oversupply'.

tree_new Long-clicking a prio-list entry will show a tree-view schematic and breaks the recipe down. Use this to have a more detailed view on your progress.

Untitled 8 Clicking the 'prio-list' label gives you an overview of your surplus in archnemesis mods that are connected to the priority set. Additionally, you can set a threshold above which your surplus will be suggested as a burnable recipe or mod (these entries will be highlighted in yellow). Use this panel as a last resort to make room in your inventory in case nothing else can be burned.

Optimal drop locations

(data source, creator: u/Rymse)

optimal_maps You can click the 'missing' label to open a movable window with a list of locations that commonly drop the missing mod bases. With it open, you can acces your map tab and search for these maps by clicking them in the list.

Cheat sheet: Archnemesis bases

Untitled 9 Right-clicking the 'missing'-label opens a movable popout window with the list of missing bases that can be placed anywhere on the screen. You can use this as a cheat sheet if you only want to loot missing bases.

On-the-fly recipe suggestions

Untitled 1 The lower part of the prio-list panel shows 'burn' recipes and mods, i.e. irrelevant ones that are available and do not use components from priority recipes. Clicking on an item on the list will perform an in-game search in the inventory. Clicking the 'available burn mods' label will highlight as many burn mods as possible at once (the in-game search field has a character limit) and choose the ones you have the most of.

You can also change the sorting settings for the available burn mods by clicking the sorting label ("- / Q" by default): clicking it will toggle between descending (-) and ascending (+), right-clicking will toggle between quantity (Q) and tiering (T).

Automation of the league mechanic

Starting with v1.22.1, you can right-click the scan button to have the script automatically fill the slots in the current encounter. The tool will automatically check how many free slots are available and also avoid duplicates. This is primarily for convenience and a one-click solution that doesn't require any attention: you can use it to automate the whole archnemesis mechanic or to automatically fill the remaining slots in an encounter. This feature uses the current contents of the in-game search field as an orientation as to which and how many mods have already been used in the current encounter.

My initial plan was for this feature to work without any user input, like an auto pilot, but there are too many variables that prevent this from working reliably.

Untitled 7 example 1 (3+1 slots): the first right-click highlights the invulnerable recipe, the second adds soul conduit as a burner

Untitled 1 example 2 (2+2 slots): the first right-click highlights the ice prison recipe, the second adds the storm strider recipe

Untitled 2 example 3 (2+1+1 slots): the first right-click highlights the drought bringer recipe, the second skips malediction (because it's already in use) and instead adds soul conduit as a burner, the third skips deadeye (again, it's already in use) and instead adds berserker as a burner

Auto-highlighting will stop as soon as four mods are reached, and the script will merely refresh these four when right-clicking scan again. When re-entering a map, make sure you don't accidentally right-click 'scan' when the search field is blank, otherwise a new auto-highlight set of four mods will be started. Instead, click the 'prev' button to go back to the previous highlighting state. Inversely, you have to make sure the search field is blank when you want to start a new set of four (it is blank at the start of the map, but it still doesn't hurt to check).

CAUTION: This feature has to be used while actively doing archnemesis encounters, i.e. you must not queue up recipes at the start of the map. So, as with normal scanning, only right-click the scan button after finishing a recipe. This is what can happen if you use this feature incorrectly: Queueing recipes AB and burners C and D at the start of the map may result in assembling AC and BD if you don't pay attention and the recipe constellation allows it.

Blacklisting recipes

blacklistburn mods Starting with v1.22.2, you can right-click mods in the letter-bar glossary to add them to the blacklist. These blacklisted recipes will then not be suggested for assembly when ready, and they will be highlighted in red on the burn-mod list in case you already have assembled versions in your inventory. Use this feature to avoid archnemesis mods that you hate or can't run with your build, which becomes even more useful if you use the automation feature described above.

blacklist button Clicking the 'BL' button on the letter bar will show the current blacklist, and entries can be removed by clicking them.