%5BTop%5DSceneLayer User Manual - Katsuya100/SceneLayer-Trial GitHub Wiki


The SceneLayer system is a This system provides a bird's eye view of scene/transition management for the entire game.
The editor manages screen transitions in a node-based manner The system enables game development with high visibility.
Editing is also easy.

On runtime, scene meta information and transition information is always maintained on-memory.
This facilitates information transfer between scenes.
Scenes and GameObjects themselves can be loaded when needed, enabling memory-saving implementation.
In addition, Preload and LazyLoad are also supported, minimizing loading costs.

There are three main types of data that make up this system.

Layer , the unit of a single screen.
Transition , a unit of transition.
Loader , which implements the loading process.

Each is a Behaviour and can be Override allows for a high degree of customization.

Terms of use

Please use SceneLayer Trial Version in accordance with the following terms and conditions.

What you can do

  • Use of the free SceneLayer Trial Version.
  • Commercial use of the SceneLayer Trial Version.
  • Release of source code created using the SceneLayer Trial Version.
  • Publication of software created using the SceneLayer Trial Version.
  • Sharing of the SceneLayer Trial Version package within the project members.

What not to do

  • All secondary distribution not included in the "What you can do".
  • Modifications/changes to the source code included in the SceneLayer Trial version.
  • The act of erasing/hiding the notation [Thanks for using "SceneLayer Trial Version"!] that appears in the upper left corner.
  • Release software or source code created by others using the SceneLayer Trial Version without the permission of the rights holder.
  • Misleading others into believing that one's work is the official work of the developer Katuusagi (Katsuya100), regardless of intent.
  • Discriminatory, religious, or political uses, regardless of intent.
  • Any use that makes people uncomfortable, regardless of intent.
  • Use to undermine Katuusagi (Katsuya100), regardless of intent.

For the SceneLayer Pro Version, this is governed by the license terms on the AssetStore.

Page List

Basic usage

Applied Usage

Editor Usage

Features of the Pro Version


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