Utilities - Kaisei-Fukaya/Graphical-Asset-Generation-Mockup-Files GitHub Wiki


The Labeller node allows you to add additional information to the data that passes through it. Certain generator nodes can interpret this data when in training mode to facilitate learning.

  • The input dropdown allows for the data type to be selected.
  • Label data can be added via the file picker, though the specifics of this data, and how it is created are not yet defined.
Graph view Inspector view
image Not available in inspector

Textured Mesh Combiner

The Textured Mesh Combiner node combines a mesh and a bitmap to form a textured mesh.
The Bitmap is not required however, so this node can be useful when you have a mesh but need to pass it off as a textured mesh.

Graph view Inspector view
image image

Textured Mesh Splitter

The Textured Mesh Splitter node separates a textured mesh into a mesh and a bitmap.
This can be useful when you need to access the mesh or bitmap separately.

Graph view Inspector view
image image
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