Vue vs. Razor - JessicaOPRD/docs GitHub Wiki


Razor Pages vs. Razor Components


Description Vue Razor Notes
Manifest file package.json ProjectName.cfproj

Imports and Tree-shaking

Description Vue Razor Notes
Global imports main.js _Imports.razor

Core Layouts

Description Vue Razor Notes
Layout including <head> index.html _Host.cshtml
Default base layout MainLayout.razor Wraps all Pages


Description Vue Razor Notes
Automated build/bundling Relatively easy to set up with Webpack using a generator or official tutorials
Can use <style lang="sass"> Yes

Single File Components

Description Vue Razor Notes
File type *.vue *.razor
Uses <template> tag Yes No
Uses <style> tag for styles Yes Yes
Supports scoped styles Yes <style scoped> Yes (*.razor.css) Note that scoped styles can be confusing to work with, because they don't follow some of the expected CSS conventions (best used for true styles limited to the component and not its children). Vue and Razor both support custom pseudo-selectors like ::deep to access child component properties. Razor also allows a [ScopedCss] attribute at the component class definition?
Attribute Bindings <component :hidden="isHidden"></component> <component hidden="@IsHidden"></component> To preserve type — not using the colon in Vue results in basic string without interpolation
Set Event Handlers <component @click="onClick()"></component> <Component @onclick="OnClick"></Component> I prefer the parens because it suggests invocation and not passing a function as an argument
Access Component API <component ref="myName"></component> this.$ <component @ref="myName"></component> myName?.Open() Note that the API is not necessarily available yet depending on where in the lifecycle the method is called.
Slots <slot name="title"></slot> in component maps to <template #title></template in instance use RenderFragment property name in component maps to matching tag name in instance use (<Body></Body>) It is more difficult to know a slot from a component in Blazor, so I will adopt a convention that seems popular — slots should be appended with Content, such as BodyContent
Attribute "Splatting" <button v-bind="$attrs"></button> Yes <button @attributes="DefaultAttributes></button> Splatting as defined by Microsoft. Allows attributes to be applied from a defined object instead of manually.
Dynamic Boolean-driven Classes <component class="my-component__panel" :class="{ 'my-component__panel--outlined': outlined }"></component> <component class='my-component__panel @(Outlined ? "outlined" : "")'></component> Razor method is borderline unacceptable. Double quotes can be used for class attribute, but syntax highlighting gets confused. Cannot use single quotes inside attribute because it's reserved for characters in the C# context. Better method may be to use attribute splatting.


Description Vue Razor Notes
Text Interpolation {{ value }} @Value
Expressions {{ message.split('').reverse().join('') }} @( )
Template Literals (String Templates) <component :id=[backtick]modal-${computedId}[backtick]"></component> <Component id="modal-@computedId"></Component>
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️