Welcome to the Full‐Stack‐Airbnb‐Clone wiki! - Hongnhung3258/Full-Stack-Airbnb-Clone GitHub Wiki
1. Introduction
Overview of building a full-stack Airbnb clone using Next.js 13, React, Tailwind CSS, Prisma, MongoDB, and NextAuth.
2. Technologies Used
Next.js 13 for server-side rendering and routing. React for UI components. Tailwind CSS for styling. Prisma as an ORM for database interactions. MongoDB for the database. NextAuth for authentication.
3. Project Setup
Step-by-step guide for setting up the environment (Node.js, Next.js, etc.). Installing required dependencies.
4. Database Setup
Using Prisma with MongoDB. Setting up schema.
5. Authentication with NextAuth
Configuring authentication. Using providers (Google, GitHub).
6. Frontend Development
Creating components with React. Styling using Tailwind.
7. Backend Development
API routes for CRUD operations. Database interaction using Prisma.
8. Deployment
Instructions for deploying the app (e.g., Vercel).