索引页 - HighgoSoftware/PostgreSQL-9.6-High-Performance GitHub Wiki

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活动(activity) 326, 327
自适应替换高速缓存(Adaptive Replacement Cache,ARC) 95
高级索引(advanced index)
  基于表达式的索引(expression-based indexes) 251
  多列索引(multicolumn indexes) 249
  部分索引(partial indexes) 250
  已用,用于文本搜索(used, for full-text search,FTS)251
  已用,用于排序(used, for sorting) 249
  使用(uses) 249
积极进行PostgreSQL版本升级(aggressive PostgreSQL version upgrades) 443
可更改上下文,实时配置(allowed change context, live configuration)
  交互(interaction) 136, 137
应用程序扩展生命周期(application scaling life cycle)
  关于(about) 17, 18
  数据库服务器扩容路径(path database servers) 17
原子性、一致性、隔离性、持久性(atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability,ACID)35
auto_explain模块(auto_explain module)
  参考(reference)144, 195
autoanalyze 183
自动柜员机(Automated Teller Machine,ATM) 208
  关于(about) 145, 174
  问题(issues) 178
  日志(logging) 175
  监控(monitoring) 176
  按表调整(per-table adjustments)178
  触发器(triggering) 176


后台写统计(background writer statistics)
  已用,用于优化(used, for tuning) 343, 344, 345
  来自pgbench的不好的结果(bad results from pgbench, sources about) 220
  PostgreSQL开发编译版本(developer PostgreSQL builds) 221
基本备份(base backup)388
电池备份写高速缓存(battery-backed write cache,BBWC)37
  关于(about) 18
  参考(reference) 45
块范围索引(Block Range Indexes,BRIN)
  reference 245
  关于(about) 58
  Bonnie++ 2.0 60
  搜索速率测试(seek-rate test) 65
  sysbench 63
瓶颈(bottleneck) 18
  关于(about) 395, 396
  参考(reference) 395
缓冲区缓存内容(buffer cache contents)
  分析(analyzing) 128
  查询,校验(queries, inspecting) 128
缓冲区缓存查询检查(buffer cache queries inspection)
  关于(about) 128
  缓存区内容总结,包括百分比(buffer contents summary, with percentages) 131
  缓冲区使用次数分布(buffer usage count distribution) 133
  总结,按使用次数统计(summarizing, by usage count)131
  最上层关系(top relations) 130
  用于调整反馈(used, for sizing feedback) 133
批量加载(bulk loading)
  关于(about) 428
  约束,添加(constraints, adding) 432
  索引,重新创建(indexes, recreating) 432
  方法(methods) 429
  优化(tuning) 430, 431
  WAL加速,跳过(WAL acceleration, skipping) 431, 432


  关于(about) 371
  and PostgreSQL 372
  and Windows 372
级联复制(cascading replication) 390
  参考 371
检查点,实时配置交互(checkpoint, live configuration interaction)
  关于 147
  checkpoint_completion_target 147, 148
  checkpoint_timeout 147
  wal_buffers 148
  wal_sync_method 148, 149
  heading to 126
  processing, basics 119
  参考reference 119
  spikes 122
  spreading 122
  timings 120, 121
checkpoint_completion_target parameter 147, 148
checkpoint_timeout参数(checkpoint_timeout parameter) 147
CLUSTER命令(CLUSTER command) 187
commented-out settings 139
commit rate
  about 51
  INSERT rate 52
  PostgreSQL test_fsync 52
  Windows commit rate 52
公用表表达式扫描(Common Table Expressions scan,CTE scan) 282
完全公平调度器(Completely Fair Scheduler,CFS) 222
复杂磁盘基准测试(complicated disk benchmarks)
  iozone, reference 67
  pgiosim, reference 67
配置文件(configuration file)
  commented-out settings 139
  server-wide settings 140
连接池(connection pool)
  关于 378
  sizing 378
连接池(connection pooling) 377
连接(connections) 326, 327
恒定角速度(constant angular velocity,CAV) 50
constraint_exclusion参数(constraint_exclusion parameter) 153
上下文切换(context switches,cs) 351
contrib模块(contrib modules)
  about 13
  使用扩展(extensions, using) 16
  搜索(finding, on system) 13, 14
  从源代码安装(installing, from source) 14
  参考(reference) 13
  使用(using) 15
拷贝命令(copy command)
  关于 282
  COPY TO 282
  参考 282
  参考 283
代价计算(cost computation)
  使用任意单位(arbitrary units, using) 261
  估计代价(estimated cost)262
  现实代价(real-world costs) 262
count(*) 248
  关于 47
  慢内存和处理器,来源(slow memory and processors, sources) 47
崩溃恢复(crash recovery)
  缓存区缓存(and buffer cache) 118
CSV日志(CSV logging)
  参考 193
累计视图(cumulative view) 318, 319


数据定义语言(data definition language,DDL) 143
数据库数据块(database block)
  dirty block write paths 123
  lifecycle 122
数据库缓冲区缓存(database buffer cache)
  versus operating system cache 124
数据库连接工具(Database Connection Pool,DBCP)
  about 383
  reference 383
数据库连接,动态配置交互(database connections, live configuration interaction)
  listen_addresses 140
  max_connections 141
  reference 140
数据库目录(database directory)
  base 100
  global 100
  pg_clog 100
  pg_multixact 100
  pg_stat_tmp 100
  pg_subtrans 100
  pg_tblspc 100
  pg_twophase 100 
  pg_xlog 100 
  temporary files 101
数据库硬件(database hardware) 
  balancing 21
  disk controllers 30 
  disks 24
  hard drive reliability studies 35
  write-back caches 36
数据库服务器配置,用于pgbench(database server configuration, for pgbench)
  sample server configuration 210, 211 
数据库测试项目(Database Test (dbt) project)
  reference 224
database wide totals 326 
  vacuuming 187
date change update trigger 410 
deadlocks 335
  with Valgrind 425
default_statistics_target parameter 146, 147
defaults, live configuration interaction 136
Dell Store 2
  reference 254
dellstore2 database 402 
详细数据(detailed data)
  monitoring 189
difficult queries, logging
  auto_explain 195
  reference 195
Direct Attached Storage (DAS) 33 
direct memory access (DMA) 30 
磁盘基准测试工具(disk benchmarking tools)
  about 52
  bonnie++ 58
  disk throughput, sequential read and write 57
  HD Tune, using 53, 54
  unpredictable performance 57 
磁盘控制器(disk controllers)
  about 30
  attached storage 33
  hardware and software RAID 30 
  MegaRAID 31
  Network Attached Storage (NAS) 33 
  PowerEdge RAID Controller (PERC) 31 
  recommended disk controllers 31 
  Storage Array Network (SAN) 33
磁盘驱动器(disk drives) 
  reference 35
磁盘布局(disk layout)
  about 101
  database directory tree 100 
  disk arrays 101
  guidelines 104
  RAID 101
  symbolic links 99 
  tablespaces 99
磁盘预期性能(disk performance expectation)
  slow disk and array performance 71
disk result
  about 68
  performance expectation 70
  about 24
  drive error, handling 27 
  drive firmware 28 RAID 25
  SSDs 29
双重缓存数据(doubly cached data)
  about 125
  OS cache, inspecting 126
  Linux SystemTap emulation 427
  on FreeBSD 427
  reference 426
  used, for profiling 426
dump/restore 187
dynamic trigger functions 407, 408


effective_cache_size parameter 150, 151 
empty partitions query plans 409 
Enterprise Postgres Query Analyze (epqa)
  reference 201 
error recovery control
  reference 27
error reporting and logging
  reference 192 
  about 256
  cache, clearing 258
  hot and cold ache behavior 257 
  time, checking 257
  reference 81
Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) 76 
Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) 48


failover 389
Fake RAID 32
FAT32 97
File Allocation Table (FAT)
  reference 97
File-Based Log Shipping 389 
  crash recovery 76
  maximum sizes 75
Force Unit Access ( FUA ) 85 
free space map (FSM)
  about 142
  setting, reference 142 
FreeBSD UFS2 94 
  about 92
  reference 96
Frequently Asked Questions list, PostgreSQL
  reference 428, 442
fsync parameter 153, 154 
full_page_writes parameter 154


Generalized Inverted Index (GIN) 244 
Generalized Search Tree (GiST) 245 
gnuplot software 61
  reference 398 
  used, for profiling 423, 424 
  with kSar 364, 365 
  about 420 
  reference 420
  used, for scaling 421
GUID Partition Table (GPT) 
  reference 76


hash joins
  about 288 
  anti joins 288 
  hash semi 288
HD Tune
  used, for measuring IOPS 55
HighPoint 32 
historical trend data
  storing 369
horizontal partitioning, with PL/Proxy
  about 417
  hash generation 418, 419 
  scaling 419
hot standby
  about 388 
  reference 388 
  tuning 391, 392
  for Linux 362
Hyperic HQ 374


in-place upgrading 11
index bloat
  fixing 186 
  measuring 185
  reference 186 
Index I/O 325 
Index Only Scans
  reference 247 
index page
  monitoring 189
index statistics 323, 324, 325 
  about 226 
  clustering 241 
  example 227 
  fillfactor 242
  block statistics, working 227 
  buffer counts, using 239 
  clustering against 237 
  combining 235
  concurrent index, creating 241 
  creating 233, 239
  example, running 229
  full table scans 232
  inefficient index, using 234 
  maintaining 239
  plan changes, planning 236 
  query disk, measuring 227 
  sample data setup 229 
  simple index lookups 231 
  unique indexes 240
inheritance 401 
INSERT statements
  redirecting, to partitions 406, 407 
  measuring, HD Tune used 55
  reference 50 
  about 352, 353
  example of good performance 354, 355 
  overloaded system samples 357
  for Linux 354
issues, autovacuum
  constant running 179
  disruptive 180
  free space map (FSM) exhaustion 181 
  long-running transactions 181
  major problem recovery 182
  not keeping up, on busy server 180


join order
  forcing 290
  genetic query optimizer (GEQO) 292 
  removing 291
  about 284 
  hash joins 288 
  merge join 287 
  nested loop 285 
  ordering 289
journaling filesystems 
  about 77 
  reference 77
Junction utility 
  reference 97
Just a Bunch of Disks (JBOD) 40 


kernel resources 
  reference 108
key field
  determining, to partition over 404, 405
  reference 364, 365
  used, for graphing 364, 365


latency analysis 217 
limiting factor 18 
Linux filesystems
  btrfs 84
  ext4 81
  JFS 83
  ReiserFS 83
  second extended filesystem (ext2) 78 
  tuning operation 86
  XFS 82
Linux SystemTap emulation
  of DTrace 427
list partitioning 406 
listen_addresses 140
live configuration interaction
  about 135
  allowed change context 136, 137 
  checkpoints 147
  configuration file, reloading 138 
  database connections 140 
  defaults 136
  logging setup 142
  PITR and WAL replication 150 
  reset values 136
  shared memory settings 142 
  statistics 144
  tunables to avoid 153 
  vacuuming 144
live view 318, 319 
load balancing 381 
lock information, logging
  about 335
  background writer 339 
  buffer, monitoring 339 
  checkpoint activity 339 
  deadlocks 335
  disk usage 336, 337, 338
lock information 
  decoding 331
locking clause 
  reference 165
  about 327
  information, decoding 329 
  reference 328, 332
log file analysis
  Enterprise Postgres Query Analyze (epqa) 201 
  mk-query-digest 202
  normalized query fingerprints 196 
  pg_stat_statements 197
  pgFouine 199
  PostgreSQL System Impact (PGSI) 202 
  Practical Query Analysis (pqa) 201
log_line_prefix parameter 143 
log_min_duration_statement 144 
  options 143
logging, live configuration interaction
  about 142
  log_line_prefix 143 
  log_min_duration_statement 144 
  log_statement 143
Logical Volume Manager (LVM) 85 
  about 394 
  advantage 394 
  reference 394


maintainance_work_mem parameter 146 
Mammoth Replicator
  reference 397
Master Boot Record (MBR)
  reference 76 
materialized views
  about 440
  reference 440
max_connections 141 
max_prepared_transactions parameter 154 
MegaRAID 31
  about 383, 384
  reference 384 
memory benchmarking
  about 43
  Memtest86+ 43
  STREAM memory testing 44
  about 43 
  reference 43
methods, bulk loading
  external loading programs 429, 430
  reference 202
  types 368
Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) 369 
multicore processors
  reference 22
multiversion concurrency control (MVCC)
  advantages 167 
  disadvantages 168
  reference 161
  transaction ID wraparound 168
  used, for handling transaction visibility 161 
  about 372 
  reference 372


  about 370
  and PostgreSQL 371 
  and Windows 371 
  limitations 370
nested loop
  about 285
  and Merge Join materialization 287 
  inner-index scan, using 286
  reference 28
Network Attached Storage (NAS) 
  advantages 33
  drawbacks 34
  about 97
  mounting behavior, adjusting 98


object identifier (OID) 
  about 115 reference 115
Object Relational Mapper (ORM) 263 
  reference 374
Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) 224 
  about 425 
  download link 425 
  reference 425
options, hard disk
  parallel ATA, reference 25 
  SCI 25
  serial ATA, reference 25 
  solid-state drive 25
options, log_statement 
  all 143
  ddl 143
  mod 143
  none 143
orders_insert_trigger() function 407


parallel restore 432, 433 
partition rules 408, 409 
partitioned table
  live migration 411 
  advantages 415 
  in PostgreSQL 402 
  issues 416
  creating 414
  dynamic creation 415
  INSERT statements, redirecting to 406, 407 
  scheduled creation 415
  sizing 405
performance features, PostgreSQL 8.1 
  about 443, 444
  reference 443
performance features, PostgreSQL 8.2 
  about 444, 445
  reference 444
performance features, PostgreSQL 8.3 
  about 445, 446
  reference 445
performance features, PostgreSQL 8.4 
  about 447, 448
  reference 446
performance features, PostgreSQL 9.0 
  about 449
  configuration 452
  database development 451, 452 
  EXPLAIN 450, 451
  internals 453, 454 
  monitoring 453 
  queries 450, 451 
  reference 449 
  replication 449 tools 453
performance features, PostgreSQL 9.1 
  about 455
  reference 454
performance features, PostgreSQL 9.2
  changes 455, 456
  reference 455
performance features, PostgreSQL 9.3
  about 456, 457
  reference 456
performance features, PostgreSQL 9.4
  about 457
  reference 457
performance features, PostgreSQL 9.5
  about 458
  reference 458
performance features, PostgreSQL 9.6
  about 458, 459
  reference 458
performance issues
  about 434
  heavy statistics collector overhead 439 
  high foreign key overhead 438 
  materialized views 440
  PL/pgSQL benchmarking 437 
  prepared statement execution 436 
  rows, counting 434, 435
  slow function 436, 437
  targeted statistics resets 440
  trigger memory use 439
  unexplained writes 435, 436
performance tuning 18, 19 
  reference 430 
pg_hba.conf file
  reference 140
pg_locks view
  reference 328
  reference 136
pg_stat_bgwriter snapshots 
  saving 340, 341, 342
  reference 197
  reference 11
pgbench custom tests 
  about 223
  Insert speed test 223
pgbench default tests
  about 204
  database server, configuring 209 
  query script definition 207, 209 
  scale 207
  scale detection 206
  table definition 205, 206
pgbench program 
  limitations 222
  configuring 212, 213 
  reference 212
  results, graphing with 212
  reference 8
  about 382
  application server pooling 383 
  database caching 383 
  reference 382
  about 398
  reference 398
  reference 24
  reference 198,200
  about 16
  reference 16
  reference 429
  about 396
  reference 396 
  about 384
  reference 385 
pgPool's failover 
  reference 380
  about 379, 397 
  limitations 381 
  reference 379 
  replication, providing 380
  about 380
  failover feature 380 
  reference 380
  about 373 
  reference 373
pgtune program 
  about 158 
  reference 158
physical disk performance 
  commit rate 51 
  measuring 49
  random access 49 
  sequential access 50 
  ZCAV 50
PITR and WAL replication, live configuration interaction
  per-client settings 150 
PITR and WAL replication
  constraint_exclusion 153 
  effective_cache_size 150, 151 
  random_page_cost 152 
  synchronous_commit 151 
  work_mem 152
PL/pgSQL benchmarking 
  about 437
  reference 437
  about 417 
  reference 417
Point-in-Time Recovery (PITR) 388 
post load clean up 433 
  about 398
  reference 398 
PostgreSQL 9.0
  reference 8
PostgreSQL 9.6.3 Documentation
  reference 135 
PostgreSQL bench
  reference 9 
PostgreSQL log setup
  CSV logging 193
  multi-line queries 192
  syslog, used for log messages 192
PostgreSQL manual section 
  reference 426
  reference 375
PostgreSQL System Impact (PGSI) 
  reference 201
PostgreSQL tools
  about 12
  additional related software 17 
  contrib 13
  pgFoundry 16
PostgreSQL, Feature Matrix page 
  reference 442
postgresql.conf file 
  memory units 107
  about 7
  application scaling life cycle 17 
  comparing, with another database 12 
  deploy version, selecting 9
  disk layouts 98
  errors, reference 108
  historical releases, performance 9 
  minor version updates 11
  partitioning 402
  reference 11, 111, 237
  tools 12
  upgrading, to new major version 10, 11
PowerEdge RAID Controller (PERC) 31 
Practical Query Analysis (pqa)
  reference 201 
processing nodes
  about 271
  aggregate functions 274 
  append node 277
  Group node 278 
  HashAggregate node 275 
  IN lists 280
  materialize node 281 
  query limits, building 273 
  query limits, offset 273 
  result, returning 276
  set operations 280
  sort nodes 271
  subplan 279
  subquery conversion 279 
  subquery scan 279 
  unique node 275
  about 18
  with DTrace 426 
  with gprof 423, 424
Promise 32
pull the cord test 150


  equivalence, testing 304
  external trouble spots 311
  improving 303
  optimizer bugs 308
  optimizer features, disabling 304
  optimizing, for fully cached datasets 303 
  plan restructure avoiding, OFFSET used 309
query enable parameters
  about 155
  dedicated server guidelines 155, 156, 157 
  new server tuning 155
  pgtune 158
  shared server guidelines 157
query logs, monitoring
  about 189
  difficult queries, logging 194 
  log file analysis 196 
  PostgreSQL log setup 190
query plan node structure
  about 259
  analysis tool, planning 266
  cost computation 261
  machine readable explain output 264 
  verbose, using 263
  visual explain, using 263 
query planning parameters
  constraint_exclusion 301 
  cursor_tuple_fraction 302 
  effective_cache_size 299 
  work_mem 300


  and RAID 6, comparison link 26
RAM timing 
  reference 48
random read seek time 49 
random_page_cost parameter 152 
range partitioning 403, 404
read scaling
  with replication queue software 395 
Reconnoiter 374, 375
recovery processing 119
Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID)
  about 25
  RAID (stripping) 25
  RAID 1 (mirroring) 26
  RAID 10 (1+0) 26
  RAID 5 (striped with parity) 26 RAID 6 26
  reference 26
reindexing 188, 242 
release notes, PostgreSQL
  reference 442 
replication projects 
  Golconde 398
  Mammoth Replicator 397 
  PgCluster 398 
  Postgres-XC 398 
  Rubyrep 398
replication queue managers 
  Bucardo 395, 396 
  Londiste 394
  pglogical 396
  pgpool-II 397 
  Slony 393, 394 
  xDB 396
  solution comparison 398
RESET command 
  reference 136
reset values, live configuration interaction 136 
  graphing, with pgbench-tools 212 
rite-back caches
  disk controller monitoring 38
  drive write cache, disabling 39
Round Robin Database tool (RRDtool) 369 
row lock conflicts
  serialization 165 
row sets
  assembling 266 
  bitmap heap 269 
  index only scans 269 
  index scan 268, 269 
  sequential scan 267 
  tuple ID 266
RRDtool 375 
  about 398 
  reference 398


sample database 
  Dell Store 2 254 
  Pagila 254 
  reference 254
sample datasets 254 
sample pgbench test results
  about 214
  latency analysis 217, 218, 219, 220 
  SELECT-only test 214
  TPC-B-like test (Read/Write) 215, 216
sar 362 
  with GridSQL 421 
scricomplicated disk benchmarks
  fio, reference 67
second extended filesystem (ext2)
  reference 78 
seek-rate test
  about 65
  fsync commit rate 67 
  test files, removing 66
SELECT-only test 214
Serial ATA (SATA) 24
Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) 24 
serial presence detect (SPD) 47 
server-wide settings 140 
sharding 420
  reference 316
shared memory, live configuration interaction 
  free space map settings 142 
  shared_buffers 142
shared_buffers 142
short stroking tests 51, 54
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) 369
size guidelines 
  implementing 126 
  shared server 127 
  versions 127
  workload limitations 127
  about 393, 394 
  limitations 394 
  reference 10
SMART protocol 27
SNMP tools 375
Solaris 92
Solaris top replacements 361 
Solaris UFS 92
Solid State Drive (SSD) 
  reference 29
sources, write-back cache
  disk controller write cache 37 
  disk drive write cache 38 
  operating system write cache 37
space-partitioned GiST 
  reference 245
spindle 49 
  limitations 311
  rows, numbering 312
  windows functions, used for cumulatives 313 
  windows functions, used for numbering 313
standby 389 
  about 375
  reference 375 
statement logging 144 
statement types
  executing 302 
statistics targets
  about 297
  column target, adjusting 297 
  distinct values 298
statistics views 316, 318
statistics, live configuration interaction
  default_statistics_target 146, 147 
  collecting 292
  complicated estimation areas 298 
  targets 297
  used, for estimation 293
  viewing 293
Storage Array Network (SAN) 
  advantages 33 
  disadvantages 34
  reference 44
  and Intel versus AMD 45 
  memory testing 44 
  reference 44
streaming replication 390
stripes 72
symlink 99
synchronous replication 391 
synchronous_commit parameter 151 
Sysinternals tool
  reference 365 
  about 362
  enabling 364 
  optional features 364
system information functions 
  reference 169
SystemTap 427 


table I/O statistics 322, 323 
table inheritance 401
table lock waits 334
table statistics 319, 320, 321 
table-level lock
  modes 332 
template database
  reference 115
third extended file system (ext3) 
  about 79
  levels 79
TOAST tables 323
top 360
TPC-B-like test (Read/Write) 215, 216 
  reference 204 
  reference 224 
transaction isolation
  reference 166
transaction lock waits 332
Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC)
  about 204 
  benchmarks 224, 225
transaction visibility
  computation internals 161
  deletions 166
  handling, with multiversion concurrency control (MVCC) 161
  row lock conflicts 164 
  updates 162
trending packages 
  Hyperic HQ 374 
  pgStatspack 373 
  Reconnoiter 374 
  Staplr 375 
  Zenoss 374
trending software 368
TrustedInstaller process 57
tunables to avoid, live configuration interaction
  about 153
  commit_delay 154 
  commit_siblings 154
  fsync 153, 154 
  full_page_writes 154 
  max_prepared_transactions 154 
  query enable parameters 155
tuning operations, Linux filesystem 
  file access times 87
  I/O scheduler elevator 90
  read caching 88
  read-ahead 86
  swapping 88
  write cache sizing 89
Tuning Your PostgreSQL Server article
  reference 135
tuning, for bulk loads 430, 431 
tuple ID
  about 266
  object ID 267
two-phase commit (2PC) 154 
types, index
  about 242
  B-tree 243
  Block Range Indexes (BRIN) 245 
  Generalized Inverted Index (GIN) 244 
  Generalized Search Tree (GiST) 245 
  hash index type 244
  Index Only Scans 247 
  space-partitioned GiST 245
  text operator classes 243


unique node
  WindowAgg function 276
Unix File System (UFS) 92 
UNIX monitoring tools
  about 347
  iostat 352, 353 
  sample setup 348, 349 
  sar 362
  sysstat 362
  top 360
  vmstat 349, 351
UNIX共享内存参数(UNIX shared memory parameters)
  数据库缓存,检查(database cache, inspecting) 111 
  数据磁盘布局(database disk layout) 113
  脏数据块,写入磁盘(dirty blocks, writing to disk) 118 
  增加,对于较大的缓冲区(increasing, for larger buffer sizes) 108 
  内核信号量(kernel semaphores) 109
  new block, creating in database 117 
  pg_buffercache, installing into database 112 
  shared memory allocation, estimating 110


  autovacuum 174
  autovacuum logging 175 
  cost-based vacuuming 173 
  free disk space, returning 171 
  full vacuum 171
  HOT (Heap Only Tuples) 172 
  implementation 170
  issues 178
  regular vacuum 170
  tuple timeout, removing 172
vacuuming, live configuration interaction 
  about 144
  autovacuum 145
  autovacuum, enabling 145 
  maintainance_work_mem 146
  about 425
  example 425
  output 426
  used, for debugging 425
virtual transactions 328, 329 visibility map
  about 248
  reference 248
Visual Studio
  using 426
vmstat 349, 350, 351


wal_buffers 148 
wal_sync_method 148, 149 
watchdog feature
  about 380
  reference 380
white-box vendor system 32 
Windows monitoring tools
  about 365
  task manager 365 
Windows系统监控(Windows system monitor)
  关于 366, 367
  data, saving 367, 368 
work_mem parameter 152 
write barriers
  about 84
  drive support 84 
预写式日志(Write-Ahead Log,WAL)
  关于 388, 431
  参考 119
  shipping, setting up 389
write-back caches
  关于 36
  性能影响(performance impact) 40
  sources 37


  关于(about) 396
  参考(reference) 396
XFS 82


  参考(reference) 51
  关于(about) 374
  参考(reference) 374
ZenPack 374
ZFS 95