Mod Liquid - HiKoNe/LiquidLib GitHub Wiki

Sample code for a new fluid (Oil):

using LiquidLib;
using Terraria.ID;

namespace TestLiquid.Liquids.Oil
    public class Oil : ModLiquid
        public override string BucketTexture => "TestLiquid/Liquids/Oil/oil_bucket";
        public override string LiquidTexture => "TestLiquid/Liquids/Oil/oil_liquid";
        public override string SlopeTexture => "TestLiquid/Liquids/Oil/oil_slope";
        public override string WaterfallTexture => "TestLiquid/Liquids/Oil/oil_waterfall";
        public override string FlowTexture => "TestLiquid/Liquids/Oil/oil_flow";
        public override bool AddOnlyBucket => false;

        public override void SetStaticDefaults()
            Opacity = 1.0f;
            WaterfallLength = 3;
            WaveMaskStrength = 0;
            ViscosityMask = 0;
            DustCount = 20;
            DustType = DustID.Asphalt;
            Sound = new LegacySoundStyle(SoundID.Splash, 0);
            Delay = 5;
            Drown = true;
            LiquidLoader.CollisionGet(Type, LiquidID.Water)
            LiquidLoader.CollisionGet(Type, LiquidID.Lava)
            LiquidLoader.CollisionGet(Type, LiquidID.Honey)

Info for next description:

(...) - Value type

[...] - Value range

{...} - Default value


  • using LiquidLib - Add lib.
  • class Oil - The class name will be the default liquid name.
  • ModLiquid - Mod liquid extension.

Abstract properties (necessarily)

  • BucketTexture - Texture of Bucket.


  • LiquidTexture - Texture of Liquid.


  • SlopeTexture - Texture of Slopes.


  • WaterfallTexture - Texture of Waterfall.


  • FlowTexture - Texture of Flow.


  • AddOnlyBucket (bool) [any] - Add only a bucket.


All properties are set in the method SetStaticDefaults()

  • Opacity (float) [0f-1f] {0f} - Opacity of liquid.
  • WaterfallLength (int) [0-10] {5} - Length of waterfall.
  • DustCount (int) [any] {-1} - Number of particles in a splash.
  • DustType (int) [any] {-1} - Type of particles in a splash.
  • Sound (LegacySoundStyle) [new] {null} - Sound of splash.
  • Delay (int) [any] {0} - Liquid delay, aka viscosity.
  • Drown (bool) [any] {true} - If true, player and town NPC can drown in this liquid.
  • WaveMaskStrength (byte) [any] {0} - Power of wave.
  • ViscosityMask (byte) [any] {0} - Wave viscosity.

Auto Properties

These properties are readable. You can use them for your own purposes.

  • Type (int) - Type of this liquid.
  • BucketType (int) - Bucket type for this liquid.
  • Mod (Mod) - This mod. (lib)
  • Name (string) - Name of this liquid. (You can change this, override this)
  • FullName (string) - Full internal name of this liquid.


  • void SetStaticDefaults() {void} - Used for set properties.
  • void OnCollision(int i, int j, Entity entity) {void} - Called whenever any entity is in this liquid.
  • bool OnInLiquid(Entity entity) {true} - Called once if any entity has entered this liquid.
  • bool OnOutLiquid(Entity entity) {true} - Called once if any entity has left this liquid.
  • bool OnUpdate(Liquid liquid) {true} - Called every time this fluid is refreshed.
  • void OnRandomUpdate(int i, int j) {void} - Called randomly.
  • void OnCatchFish(Projectile projectile, ref FishingAttempt fisher) {void} - Called once before fishing.
  • bool OnBucket(Item bucket) {true} - Called every time a bucket of this liquid is used.
  • void OnTilePlaceByLiquid(int i, int j, int liquidType) {void} - Called once after this liquid has caused a reaction with another liquid.
  • void OnCatchFish(Projectile projectile, ref FishingAttempt fisher) {void} - Called once before fishing.