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Mr. Lu's group (course classmate, peer review process) :

  • A simple, clear interface which allows the players easy to understand. Excellent software.

  • Could add a 'how to play' menu to describe the rules of hex

  • It is a great idea to use this special RL algorithm to solve this game. The AI seems strong in hard level. However, it takes a while to do the Monte Carlo Search so that AI takes time to perform a move. I trust that you guys can also write a solver, Some algorithms like min-max search, alpha-beta pruning could be added to the program.

  • Could add a function that AI takes the first move.

Jiayuan Sun (course classmate, professional gamer, game developer, peer review process) :

User-Friendliness: The software is very user friendly. Users can simply use the terminal to start the program. All buttons are clearly labelled and responsive. When users click on buttons, the effect of buttons is clearly visualized. Users can use the “new game” button to play games repeatedly without rerun the program which is very convenient. The undo button is also very useful, especially for trainning beginner players. Another user-friendly feature is that users can use the “menu” button to return to the main menu to change the difficulty and the size of the board without rerun the program. In addition, the game support single-player mode (play with AI) and local multiplayer mode(play with another local player), which is very useful for playing with friends. If users put chess out of the board or on the edge of cells or on a cell that is not empty, the program will give users instructions and reject the action. This function is very user-friendly for the players who are not familiar with the rules of hex or the rules of the program. Lastly, the program has a resume function that can allow users to continue the unfinished game, which is also a very useful function.

Strength: The game has two Levels which are Easy and Hard. The strength of the Easy level is relatively weak. As a beginner hex player, I can defeat it easily. This level is suitable for beginners to play. The strength of the Hard level is much stronger. Most of the time I can’t defeat the Hard level. It is suitable for experienced players to play.

Beauty: The user interface of this program is well designed. The picture of the start screen is cute and impressive. The game board is very clear and easy to understand. The sides of the blue and red player are clearly indicated. All the buttons are easy to reach and have an appropriate size and location.

Efficiency: At the easy level and the real player modes, the efficiency of the program is very good. When users make a move, the program makes the next move in a second. This gives users a very good experience because users don't need to wait for the program to respond. At the hard level, the efficiency of the program has room for improvement. At this level, users need to wait 20 seconds for every move.

Daniel (friend, science student, user review process) :

The main menu with a Kitty looks nice. There are two modes could be chosen, which is interesting. The game could be competitive and more fun with the hard mode. The only defect could be pointed out is within the hard mode the waiting time is a bit long, like half time counts as waiting. Overall, it's all good.