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Taras edited this page Nov 9, 2018 · 7 revisions

Creating a new Release

After every regular git push, artifacts are deployed to OSS Sonatype snapshot server as snapshots.

In order to create a new release, you need to create a tag with release number (please use semantic versioning). Deploy script will automatically set version in pom to the one specified in tag before deployment.

For example:
If you git tag 1.1.1 and git push --tags afterwards, you will have 1.1.1 version of your library available at Maven Central.

Note: after releasing artifact will be available in several hours in Maven Central (, but synchronization with Maven repo ( could take more time

!Important: Create a separate branch for every release - this will help to do hot fixes in old versions only

Upon tag creation, a travis job will be launched to verify your release.

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