Release Process - colinbrookes/hevelian-olastic GitHub Wiki

Before releasing artifacts are signed using gpg key.
Since we don't want to commit the secret key for gpg signing, we want to add it as environment variable

Travis Environement variables explained:

  • GPG_EXECUTABLE - name of gpg executable command
  • GPG_SECRET_KEYS - Exported private gpg key - base64 encoded. $ gpg -a --export-secret-keys [email protected] | base64
  • GPG_OWNERTRUST - Exported ownertrust - base64 encoded ownertrust $ gpg --export-ownertrust | base64
  • GPG_PASSPHRASE - Passphrase of the gpg key
  • SONATYPE_USERNAME, SONATYPE_PASSWORD - sonatype nexus credentials

For more information see this guide: