Overview - HeroesReplay/HeroesReplay GitHub Wiki


The process will overwrite Variables.txt with specific StormInterface settings. It's important to customize the settings best suited for the stream prior to using heroesreplay.exe.

A backup of the original Variables.txt will be created in the same directory if it does not exist as Variables.txt.bak

The following variables can be of interest to change, such as windowed or full screen windowed, and cursor confined mode being turned off to stop any unintended scroll to occur.

values["observerinterface"] = "AhliObs 0.66.StormInterface";
values["replayinterface"] = "AhliObs 0.66.StormInterface";
values["displayreplaytime"] = "false";
values["camerafollow"] = "false";
values["camerasmartpan"] = "false";
values["soundglobal"] = "true";
values["sound"] = "true";
values["soundui"] = "false";
values["MusicHeard"] = "1";
values["width"] = "1920";
values["height"] = "1080";
values["windowx"] = "55";
values["windowy"] = "55";
values["windowstate"] = "1";
values["cursorconfinemode"] = "2";
values["mousescrollenabled"] = "false";
values["mousewheelzoomenabled"] = "false";

CLI usage

The CLI provides 3 different main commands, all with different options.

Replay Providers

  • HotsAPI Provider
  • HeroesProfile Provider
  • Directory Provider
  • File Provider