Command Line Parameters - HermannDppes/USDX GitHub Wiki

Note: This is currently broken / in development.

Command-line parameters are passed to the game adding it to the path of a shortcut or starting the game within the console.

The following parameters are possible. They can be joined in any possible way.

  • -Benchmark : Create a benchmark.log file with start timings.

  • -NoLog : Do not create any .log files

  • -Joypad : Start with joypad support

  • -Language <ID> : Load language [ID] on startup. Example: -Language german

  • -Songpath <PATH> : Same as config Songpath. Example: -SongPath "C:\Ultrastar Songs"

  • -ConfigFile <FILE> : Load configuration file [File] instead of config.ini. The path to the file has to exist. Example: -ConfigFile config.SongCreation.ini

  • -ScoreFile <FILE> : Use [File] instead of Ultrastar.db The path to the file has to exist. Example: -ScoreFile HouseParty.db

  • -FullScreen : Start the game in full screen mode

  • -Depth {16|32} : Force depth to 16 or 32. Example: -Depth 16

  • -Resolution <ID|RESOLUTION> : Force resolution. Either by ID (matching an entry of the possible resolution list) or custom resolution (with the format of WIDTHxHEIGHT). Example: -Resolution 800x600

  • -Screens {1|2} : Force 1 or 2 screens. Example: -Screens 2

Some Examples:

Start with a resolution of 1024x768, a depth of 32 bit and in full screen mode:
ultrastar.exe -Resolution 1024x768 -Depth 32 -Fullscreen

Start without logging and with polish language
ultrastar.exe -NoLog -Language polish

Start with a customs configuration file and score database:
ultrastar.exe -ConfigFile "C:\Ultrastar\Configs\PartyConfig.ini" -ScoreFile "C:\Ultrastar\Scores\PartyScores.db"

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