Glossary - Helmut-Ortmann/lsp-csharp-analyzer GitHub Wiki


I like a common understanding. Often people from different domains and history are coming together to work on a subject. Those people usually use words or abbreviations in different ways.

I would appreciate if you send me your knowledge for this glossary.

Term Meaning
IPC Inter-Process-Communication
JSON-RPC [LSP](( uses JSON-RPC / Wiki to communicate with the language server.
Language Server A language server provides language-related services to relieve editors from language-specific things. To allow this Microsoft develops the LSP to standardise communication and features, See: Example Language Server and Current Implementations
LSP Language Server Protocol. It defines protocol and services to ease Editor development. On low level often processes with NamedPiped or Stdio are used.
Project The root directory my current project is currently working in.
RPC Remote Procedure Call. Usually, this is done via IPC (Inter Process Communication)
Workspace The root directory the language server currently analyze code or whatever
