A Hitchhiker's Guide to Installing candis on Linux OS - HelikarLab/candis GitHub Wiki

From Zero to Hero - Achilles Rasquinha

To the best of my knowledge, this will be the only page you'd ever require to install candis right from scratch. This script also believes to be a foolproof setup to have candis onto your system. In case if you run into some problems, feel free to raise an issue here.

NOTE: To see if your Linux OS has been tested for the following script, check here. You're free to revise this page in order to add your Mac OS X version if you're successful with this script too (psst, helps others).


First, open your Terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T)

  • Keep your OS, up-to date
Debian-based Systems (Ubuntu)
$ # Update, Upgrade, Distribution Upgrade
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Debian-based Systems (Ubuntu)
$ sudo apt-get install git
  • ...and check if git has been correctly installed.
$ git --version

You should then see the version information only.

Fetching candis via git

  • Clone candis (Optional - Add the --recursive flag to clone candis-res, a repository with sample genomic data) using git.
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/HelikarLab/candis.git

This just goes ahead and pulls the source files from the remote git repository.

  • Ensure you're pointing to candis's root directory
$ cd candis

Adding candis to your Environment Variable

Add candis to your $PYTHONPATH Environment Variable as follows:

$ # Add Environment Variable to ~/.bashrc
$ echo "export PYTHONPATH=path/to/candis/candis:$PYTHONPATH" >> ~/.bashrc
$ # Refresh ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc                                                 

where path/to/candis is the absolute path to your candis source directory. Note that $PYTHONPATH points to candis's Python source directory (path/to/candis/candis) and not its root source directory (path/to/candis).

Dependency Requirements for both, Development and Production

candis's API (CLI as well as the RIA server) is built using Python (3.6+); while from Data Manipulation to Model Deployment uses Python wrappers for R and WEKA (which requires Java). In addition, candis requires graphviz installed (to generate Graph Visualisations for models like Decision Trees, etc.).

Running the candis Rich Internet Application (RIA)

Run candis as a module

(venv) $ python -m candis

Open your favourite browser, type localhost:5000 on the address bar and press Enter (Return). You should then see something like this.


Tried and Tested

NOTE: If you're attempting to revise this page after successfully installing and running candis, kindly add the required details in the following format only.

Name Version By
Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS Achilles Rasquinha
@achillesrasquinha, [email protected]
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