Cadenas de búsqueda - HelderCastrillon/SoftwareInteligente GitHub Wiki

palabras claves y cadenas de búsqueda para P1.

Palabras claves: Smart, intelligent, software, applications, apps, systems, “machine learning”, “artificial intelligence”, development, build



TITLE ( ( ‘smart’ OR ‘intelligent’ ) AND ( ‘software’ OR ‘applications’ OR ‘apps’ OR ‘systems’ ) ) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( 'machine AND learning' OR 'artificial AND ‘intelligence' ) AND ( 'development' OR 'build' ) )

Web science

TI=(( ‘smart’ OR ‘intelligent’ ) AND ( ‘software’ OR ‘applications’ OR ‘apps’ OR ‘systems’ ) ) AND TI= ( ( 'machine AND learning' OR 'artificial AND intelligence' OR smart ) AND ( 'development' OR 'build' ) )

##Palabras claves y cadenas de búsqueda para P2.

Palabras claves

Method, Methodology, Smart, intelligent, software, applications, apps, systems, “machine learning”, “artificial intelligence”, AI, development, build


TITLE(("Method" OR "Methodology" OR "Framework") AND ("Development" OR "Develop" OR "BUILD") AND ("Smart" OR "Intelligence" OR "AI") AND ("Applications" OR "Software" OR "Systems" OR "Apps")))

Web science

TI=(("Method" OR Methodology" OR "Framework") AND ("Development" OR "Develop" OR "BUILD") AND ("Smart" OR "Intelligence" OR "AI") AND ("Applications" OR "Software" OR "Systems" OR "Apps))

##Palabras claves y cadenas de búsqueda para P2.

Palabras claves:

Guideline*, lineament*, requirement*, Smart, intelligent, software, applications, apps, systems, development, build


TITLE ( ( "Guideline*" OR "lineament*" OR "requirement*" ) AND ( "Development" OR "Develop" OR "BUILD" ) AND ( "Smart" OR "Intelligence" ) AND ( "Applications" OR "Software" OR "Systems" OR "Apps" ) )

Web science TI= ( ( "Guideline*" OR "lineament*" OR "requirement*" ) AND ( "Development" OR "Develop" OR "BUILD" ) AND ( "Smart" OR "Intelligence" ) AND ( "Applications" OR "Software" OR "Systems" OR "Apps" ) )