messages.yml - Heknon/SupplyPackagesV2 GitHub Wiki

  1. |##########################################
  2. |################# NOTES ##################
  3. |##########################################
  4. ANY message can be turned of by setting it to “OFF” – is case sensitive.
  5. |##################################################
  6. |################# DOCUMENTATION ##################
  7. |##################################################
  8. “help” – the help command response
  9. “invalid_syntax” – sent when something goes wrong and wasn’t caught
  10. “console_name” – if the command was sent from console {summoner} placeholder will be what is entered here.
  11. “only_players” – sent when something is for a player’s usage only.
  12. “not_online” – sent when trying to perform an action on an offline player.
  13. “invalid_package_name” – sent when a package trying to be summoned isn’t a package.
  14. “package_sent” – confirmation for a supplypackage sender that a package was sent
  15. “package_received” – the message sent to the receiver of a package – when a name is specified in the summon command.
  16. “signal_received” – the message received when receiving a signal
  17. “signal_sent” – the message received when sending a signal
  18. “reload” the message sent on reload
  19. “permission_missing” missing permission message
  20. “reset_items” sent when running the resetitems command
  21. “added_item” sent on additem command
  22. |#################################################
  23. |################# PLACEHOLDERS ##################
  24. |#################################################
  25. {summoner} the name of the user that summoned the package
  26. {receiver} the name of the package OR item receiver
  27. {sender} the name of the sender of an item
  28. {package_name} the name of the package summoned
  29. {x}, {y}, {z} the x, y, z of where the package will land
  30. {permission} the permission for the command – only in missing permissions message…
  31. {item_name} name of the item added
  32. {amount} amount of the item added
  33. {durability} the durability of the item added
  34. {nbt} the nbt of the item added
  35. |############################################################

help: " &c&lSupply&f&lPackages&c&lV2\n &c&m \n\
&r &c&l/sp summon [player] &e> &fSummon a SupplyPackage at your location.\n &c&l/sp\
\ givesignal [player] &e> &fGive a signal to a player.\n &c&l/sp additem &e> &fAdd\
\ the held item to the SupplyPackage drop list.\n &c&l/sp resetitems &e> &fReset\
\ all the drop items saved in the config.\n &c&l/sp reload &e> &fReload to config\
\ file.\n &c&m\n\n&eWhen no package is specified it is defaulted to the default\
\ package. "
invalid_syntax: ‘&5&l[&c&lSupply&f&lPackages&c&lV2&5&l] &cInvalid command syntax!’
console_name: Console
only_players: ‘&5&l[&c&lSupply&f&lPackages&c&lV2&5&l] &eOnly players can use this
not_online: ‘&5&l[&c&lSupply&f&lPackages&c&lV2&5&l] &cThe player entered is not online.’
invalid_package_name: ‘&5&l[&c&lSupply&f&lPackages&c&lV2&5&l] &cInvalid package name!’
package_sent: ‘&5&l[&c&lSupply&f&lPackages&c&lV2&5&l] &7You &e{summoner} &7have &esent
{package_name} &7to &e{receiver}!’
package_received: ‘&5&l[&c&lSupply&f&lPackages&c&lV2&5&l] &eYou &5({receiver}) &ereceived
{package_name} &7from &e{sender}’
signal_received: ‘&5&l[&c&lSupply&f&lPackages&c&lV2&5&l] &eYou &5({receiver}) &ereceived
&7a signal for &e{package_name} &7from &e{sender}’
signal_sent: ‘&5&l[&c&lSupply&f&lPackages&c&lV2&5&l] &eYou &5({sender}) &7have &esent
&7a signal for &e{package_name} &7to &e{receiver}’
reload: ‘&5&l[&c&lSupply&f&lPackages&c&lV2&5&l] &7Reloaded in &e{time}ms’
permission_missing: ‘&cMissing permission: &e{permission}’
reset_items: ‘&5&l[&c&lSupply&f&lPackages&c&lV2&5&l] &cThe items for &e{package_name}
&chave been reset!’
added_item: " &5&l[&c&lSupply&f&lPackages&c&lV2&5&l]\n &6Item Added to {package_name}!\n\
\ &eItem Name: {item_name}\n &eAmount: {amount}\n &eDurability: {durability}\n &cNBT:\n\
\ &9{nbt} "

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️