Install Zoom plugin on Moodle(무들에 줌 플러그인 설치하기) - Heeyoung-Ahn/Moodle GitHub Wiki

무들 플러그인 사이트에서 Zoom meeting 검색하여 설치

Zoom 무료회원 가입

Zoom buile APP

APP 생성 확인

무들 사이트에서 플러그인 설정

  • 사이트관리 > 플러그인 > Zoom Meeting > 설정
  • Zoom API key와 Zoom API secret 입력: 생성된 Zoom APP의 App Credentials에서 확인 가능

교사가 무들에서 Zoom Meeting을 생성할 수 있게 하려면?

Once it is upgraded from Basic to e.g. Pro, you will be able to add in bulk / import all teachers email addresses, who are supposed to login to Moodle and create Zoom meeting in course.

Those Teachers who already have their Zoom account, registered earlier by themselves, will receive Account switching email from Zoom, asking to join master Zoom account as a "managed" account. Once switched, teachers will be able to create Zoom meetings via API key of master Zoom Pro account.

This is how it works