Building CKAN - HebaruSan/CKAN GitHub Wiki

Building CKAN from master is very simple, but may be non- obvious to new users. This guide will explain how to build the most recent version of CKAN from source.

Build Requirements

Build-requirements for the various platforms, including Linux, are here.

Build process

Build from remote repository

1. Clone the repo:

git clone --depth 1

2. Run cake build script:

a) Linux / macOS


b) Windows

b.1) Open Powershell

b.2) Run Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted so you can run the script



c) macOS disk image (.dmg)

If you are compiling the disk image on Linux:

sudo apt-get install libplist-utils xorriso

For Linux and macOS:

cd macosx

Now the disk image is in CKAN/_build/osx/.

Build in existing repository

1. cd to CKAN directory and pull the latest commits:

cd path/to/CKAN-git-rep/
git fetch
git pull

2. Remove _build/ directory, if exists:

rm -rf _build/

3. Run cake build script

See above.

If nothing failed, the new ckan.exe will reside in the CKAN/_build/ directory. You can also ./build test to build with NUnit tests.