Templating Equipment - HeavyMetalPirate/DiscordFantasyUnlimited GitHub Wiki

Base model file

The base model file for templating equipment is Equipment.java.


If any field only has an allowed value set, the field will be case-sensitive!

  • id: a string representation of the id of an item. Needs to be unique amongst weapons. Can be alphanumeric.
  • name: the name of the item
  • description: a description of the item
  • iconName: the name of the icon file
  • rarity: rarity indicator; Allowed values are: COMMON,UNCOMMON,RARE,EPIC,LEGENDARY,ARTIFACT
  • type: equipment type; Allowed values are: HELMET,CHEST,GLOVES,PANTS,BOOTS,RING,NECK
  • armor: the amount of armor the equipment provides


The following listings are required in any case. If a list doesn't contain any value, it can be terminated right away.

  • skillBonuses: A list containing any combat skill bonus; begins with a <CombatSkillBonus> element
    • skill: the combat skill the bonus will be applied to; allowed values are: DODGE,CRITICAL,BLOCK,SPELLPOWER,HEALPOWER
    • bonus: the bonus in % (DODGE,CRITICAL,BLOCK) or raw numbers (SPELLPOWER,HEALPOWER). Nonnegative integer.
  • attributeBonuses: A list containing any attribute bonus; begins with an <AttributeBonus> element
    • attribute: the attribute the bonus will be applied to; allowed values are: STRENGTH,ENDURANCE,DEXTERITY,WISDOM,INTELLIGENCE,DEFENSE,LUCK,ALL
    • bonus: the bonus in raw numbers. Nonnegative integer.
  • secondarySkillBonuses: A list containing any secondary skill bonus; begins with a <SecondarySkillBonus> element
    • skill: the secondary skill the bonus will be applied to; allowed values are: WOODCUTTING,FISHING,MINING,ALCHEMY,ENCHANTING
    • bonus: the bonus in raw numbers. Nonnegative integer.

Example Item

  <name>Torn shirt</name>
  <description>Better than nothing, huh? If you wear it wrong, puts one of your nipples on display.</description>
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