Templating - HeavyMetalPirate/DiscordFantasyUnlimited GitHub Wiki


This game is laid out for as much dynamic content creation as possible. To reach that goal, any content in game, be it items like weapons, armor or consumables, classes, races, abilities - you name it - can be created via XML files.

XML - eXtensible Markup Language - is a way to describe things in a structured way. A great overview with basic lessons can be found at the W3Schools: https://www.w3schools.com/xml/default.asp

Basic Package

The basic package containing all the XML voodoo is right here. While being a mess at this time, the actual models representing the item types will soon be moved a package down. The source files will be a good-to-know at some point during creation.


So far no validation files have been made up. This is a bit of a concern, since the bot crashes if it finds any value not allowed at specific places. Creating Schema files for validation is still a TODO, but falls short in favor of progress in terms of basic stuff a RPG should be able to handle (i.e. character creation, battles, leveling).

This means that for now we have to rely on people following exact orders when creating any XML items.

To check the specifics of the certain types of XML files, please check the according subpages:


This page, along with its subpages is still considered WIP. Information may change at any given time without notifications.