Options: Match Popup - HearthStats/HearthStats.net-Uploader GitHub Wiki

The HearthStats.net Uploader has a 'match popup' that lets you edit the result of a match before it is submitted to HearthStats.net:

Match popup for HearthStats.net Uploader

There are three modes for the match popup:

  • At end of every match
  • When match data is incomplete
  • Never

At end of every match means that the match popup will appear after every Hearthstone match: casual, ranked or arena. It lets you check that the detection was correct and edit the notes before you submit.

When match data is incomplete is the default. It means that the match popup will not normally appear after a match, but if something goes wrong in the detection (which does happen!) then the popup will appear. For example, if the HearthStats.net Uploader detects that the match has ended but it couldn't work out whether you were victorious or defeated, then the match popup will appear.

Never means that the match popup is completely disabled. The match will be submitted to HearthStats.net immediately even if there was a detection error during the game. Your match may not be recorded if a detection error occurred.