Options: Deck Overlay - HearthStats/HearthStats.net-Uploader GitHub Wiki

Enabling the Show deck overlay when match stats option will display the 'deck overlay' popup when a match starts. This contains a list of the cards in your deck which you can use to remember what you've played during this match.

HearthStats.net deck overlay for Hearthstone

  • Click on a card to mark it as used
  • Right-click on a card to unmark it

If you enable the new Screen Analysis + Log Monitoring mode (see Options: Monitoring) then it will automatically mark off cards for you, however this mode is new and not working perfectly yet.

The uploader gets the list of cards from HearthStats.net, so if you haven't listed the cards in your deck on HearthStats.net then the popup won't appear. Log in to HearthStats.net to set up your decks first.

Note that the deck overlay is for constructed play, and it not yet supported in arena mode.