##### # This file was created via Rake Setup Task # Generated for environment: dev by task: docker ##### # This is used by Docker Compose to set up prefix names for Docker images, # containers, volumes and networks. This ensures that everything is named # consistently regardless of your folder structure. COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=ensemble # What Rails environment are we in? RAILS_ENV=development RACK_ENV=development # Rails log level. # Accepted values: debug, info, warn, error, fatal, or unknown LOG_LEVEL=info # You would typically use `rails secret` to generate a secure token. It is # critical that you keep this value private in production. SECRET_TOKEN='54ef5c6de5808a21e45cc2d18ebfc4a92d3b70662712fea617f1beb2dcf781188497fbaf100cf4ace77d9b2da544dab2a94f33f7f43044467dd2707737c65f7b' SECRET_KEY_BASE='54ef5c6de5808a21e45cc2d18ebfc4a92d3b70662712fea617f1beb2dcf781188497fbaf100cf4ace77d9b2da544dab2a94f33f7f43044467dd2707737c65f7b' # More details about these Puma variables can be found in config/puma.rb. # Which address should the Puma app server bind to? BIND_ON= # Puma supports multiple threads but in development mode you'll want to use 1 # thread to ensure that you can properly debug your application. RAILS_MAX_THREADS=1 # Puma supports multiple workers but you should stick to 1 worker in dev mode. WEB_CONCURRENCY=1 # Requests that exceed 5 seconds will be terminated and dumped to a stacktrace. # Feel free to modify this value to fit the needs of your project, but if you # have any request that takes more than 5 seconds you probably need to re-think # what you are doing 99.99% of the time. REQUEST_TIMEOUT=5 # The database name will automatically get the Rails environment appended to it # such as: orats_base_development or orats_base_production. DATABASE=railstest DATABASE_POOL=10 DATABASE_USER=railstest1 DATABASE_PASSWORD=railstest DATABASE_HOST= DATABASE_PORT=5432 # Not running Docker natively? Replace 'localhost' with your Docker Machine IP # address, such as: ACTION_MAILER_HOST=localhost:3000 ACTION_MAILER_DEFAULT_FROM=test@example.com ACTION_MAILER_DEFAULT_TO=test@example.com # Google Analytics universal ID. You should only set this in non-development # environments. You wouldn't want to track development mode requests in GA. # GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_UA='xxx' # Until a CDN or static file server is decided on this will be used. RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES=true