Screenplay Level design - Hazelogloss/TheFleshThatHates GitHub Wiki


test- Add the images of the map here with everything definied


test - Add here the tree diagram of what can happen in general terms in each iteration with the different options the player will have

Here's whats written for now:

(Iteration 1)

(PROLOGUE)You wake up 00:00 in the night in an empty and silent bar. The character will say ' Must have fallen asleep...'

You can interact with a few things in there, some of them teasing you with the idea that they could be used as a weapon. Upon close inspection of the toilet's door, you can hear something hitting it from the other side. Here if the player spends more than 5 minutes without exiting, the noises from the toilet should go up in the last 10 seconds till an infected (A fast and noisy one) gets out from the bathroom and kills you. Once you have gone outside, you can't get in again for an unknown reason. If you go outside, you'll meet different instances of the infected (Slow ones) in the street. You can go right or left, on the right you'll find that the road has military vehicles that don't let you continue in that direction. If you go to the left, you find more enemies and hear distant shootings and screams. You can go left or right. If you return right, the monsters will surround and kill you. If you go left you'll find yourself in a square, in front of the spherical instance of the infected being attacked by soldiers. There is the body of the D-Class lying in the floor, dead. The spherical being will expulse spores, killing everyone (Including you) by infecting everyone.

(Iteration 2)

18:00 You start in front of the mirror of your toilet's house. The character will say 'What? ... Oh yeah, the medicine.' You can get the medicine (Or not) in the front cabinet. You can get out and (This will differ depending on the house architecture) ////////////////////////////Aqui me he quedado///////////////////////////////////////

Routine: Gather objects, go down and interact with your senior father. You bring him the pills and head for the bar. He remembers you to be back at x time. You go outside to the street and walk out to the bar. (There are some things happening meanwhile; everyone is having their own routine).

Then here you got some interaction with the bartender/ two or three people in the bar who are talking about the people missing/ weird scars itching /info to make the player question what’s going on. You have a long conversation (Character development) and head back to home.

(TRIGGERING EVENT)There, your father has been infected and will kill you.

(Iteration 3) You wake up in front of your mirror. You have taken your usual long nap. It’s saturday and you don’t have to work.

You go and talk to your father to see what’s happening. You forget to give him the pills and rush to the bar. You talk to the people again and head back home.

Your father has become an instance of the SCP but he cannot move, as he’s pinned down as a mass of meat. (You decide to kill it or not)

You head outside to ask for help. You will find more instances now. You head to the police station (In the middle of the village)

In your way you notice that it’s very very warm. You find the mentioned pillars mentioned in the L2 document AND the sphere suspended. There the spores will kill you.

(Iteration 4) (MIDPOINT)You wake up in front of another reflective surface (Like a shop of mirrors, just not so convenient)

It’s already nights and there are monsters nearby.

You head back home to do something about your dad and you find the D class in your way. (He’s quite borde, telling you you’ll all end up dead anyway) He tells you how to actually kill the monsters and that by killing the big sphere everything ends.

He dies and you do so later

(Iteration 5) (CLIMAX) you go back in time you save his life he tells you how you can survive. (If you go northwest you might find a way out) (This is basically the lake (Where the last checkpoint of the game is.)

You both kill the sphere and say goodbye to each other as you run towards the safe place.

(EPILOGUE)There you’ll meet someone who will want to make a contract with you.


test - Explanation of the character, simple and concise, only write the motivation and personality traits