Variable; StartingFleets - HWRM/KarosGraveyard GitHub Wiki

Starting fleet files can be found in "data\scripts\startingfleets" as well as somewhere in the "bin\profiles" directory (for singleplayer starting fleets).

PersistantData table

Research table


name string
progress float (0 to 1)


TeamColours table


trailColour a table containing RGB color components
badgeTexName string
baseColour a table containing RGB color components
stripeColour a table containing RGB color components


Squadrons table


tactic integer
type string
subsystems table


index integer
name string


buildjobs table
size integer
shiphold table


index integer
type string
hotkey integer
teamColourHandle integer
size integer
tactic integer


name string
teamColourHandle integer
hotkey integer


StrikeGroups table
RUs integer


Page Status

Updated Formatting? Initial
Updated for HWRM? Initial