Variable; Stance - HWRM/KarosGraveyard GitHub Wiki


A ship's Stance has various effects on the ship:

  • A ship may have its base stats altered on the fly by its its Stance as defined in it's .ship file via setTacticsMults.
  • Squadrons and other formations have their spacing and break behavior governed by the formation's Stance
  • The distance a ship will space itself from a guard target, as well as the spacing on other abilites is defined by its stance

Note: HWRM has no such thing as 'tactics' anymore; this concept was split between ROE and Stances (behavior toward enemies vs. formation spacing and multipliers).

There are three Stances:

Variable Name Value Description
AggressiveStance 0 Ships with Aggressive stance generally fire faster, do more damage, fly slower, turn faster, take more damage, and pack tight in formations and perform actions like guarding at a close proximity. Vanilla formations never break in aggressive.
NeutralStance 1 In Neutral stance, ships generally don't have any bonuses or penalties applied, are packed close but not tightly in formations. In vanilla, neutal stance ships never break formation.
EvasiveStance 2 Ships in Evasive generally fire slower, do less damage, fly faster, turn slower, take less damage and sit in widely spaced formations. Vanilla formations will typically break into sub-groups of 2-3 units when in Evasive. Ships in Evasive generally perform actions like guarding at a far distance.



You can interact with a sobgroup's Stance via SobGroup_SetStance and SobGroup_GetStance.

SobGroup_GetStance("my-group"); -- returns 0, 1, or 2 for aggressive, neutral, or evasive stance respectively
SobGroup_SetStance("my-group", NeutralStance); -- sets "my-group"s Stance to Neutral


A player's whole fleet can have their Stance set via Player_SetGlobalStance.

Player_SetGlobalStance(1, AggressiveStance); -- all ships belonging to player 1 are set to aggressive

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