Variable; Research - HWRM/KarosGraveyard GitHub Wiki

research.lua Variables


The variables defined in the research.lua file specify the different items that can be researched for a particular race. These variables can be set to improve most stats of a ship, add previously unavailable abilities, add or change weapons, and so on. With the proper settings, these could also decrease the stats of a ship, remove abilities, and so on.


Name = "TorpedoFrigateMAXSPEEDUpgrade1",
RequiredResearch = "",
RequiredSubSystems = "Research | AdvancedResearch & FrigateProduction",
Cost = 500,
Time = 50,
DisplayedName = "$7575",
DisplayPriority = 303,
Description = "$7576",
UpgradeType = Modifier,
TargetType = Ship,
TargetName = "Hgn_TorpedoFrigate",
UpgradeName = "MAXSPEED",
UpgradeValue = 1.2,
Icon = Icon_Speed,
ShortDisplayedName = "$7244",


  • Name = <sUpgradeName>: The reference name of the research item, used internally by the game. You never see this name while playing the game.
  • RequiredResearch = <sResearch>: The names of any research required before this item can be researched. <sResearch> can be a list of multiple items, with "or" and "and" statements, represented by | and &, respectively. See RequiredSubSystems for an example.
  • RequiredSubSystems = <sSubsystems>: The names of any subsystems required before this item can be researched. <sSubsystems> can be a list of multiple items, with "or" and "and" statements, represented by | and &, respectively. In the example text above, the research item requires the Research subsystem or the AdvancedResearch subsystem, and the FrigateProduction subsystem. Note: you may surround subsystem names grouped using "and" or "or" with parentheses. -Mikali
  • Cost = <iCost>: The cost, in RU, to research this item.
  • Time = <fTime>: The time, in seconds, to research this item.
  • DisplayedName = <sName>: The name of the research item that is displayed in the Research Manager. Normally, the name is a reference to text in the "buildresearch.ucs" file, referenced by using a value of "$1234", where 1234 is some number. However, you may input a normal text string if you wish.
  • DisplayPriority = <iPriority>: Determines the order in which the research items are displayed in the Research Manager. It is important to note that no research items can have the same DisplayPriority value. If they did, only one of the items will be displayed. The exception is if the ability has several levels, such as Health 1 and Health 2, in which the later levels are only researchable after the former levels are researched. In this case, they can have the same priority.
  • Description = <sDescription>: The description of the research item. See DisplayedName regarding the value.
  • UpgradeType = <sType>: The type of upgrade. Possible values are: Ability and Modifier. This parameter is not required in the case of unlocking a new ship.
  • TargetType = <sType>: The type of unit to receive the benefit of the research. Possible values are: AllShips, Family, and Ship. AllShips affects all ships owned by you. Family affects all ships of a particular family specified by TargetName. Ship affects only a single ship type, specified by TargetName.
  • TargetName = <sName>: The name of the ship or family to receive the benefit of the research. For individual ship names, use the base name of the ship's ".ship" file, such as Hgn_TorpedoFrigate in the above example. For family names, see the displayFamily entry in the "familylist.lua" file. If TargetType is set to AllShips, the value of TargetName does not seem to matter.
  • UpgradeName = <sName>: The stat to be modified or ability to be added. See the "research.lua" file for examples of possible abilities. See Modifiable Values for a list of possible modifiers. If the research item is adding a new weapon to a ship that is used in place of or along with existing weapons, set this value to "UseSpecialWeaponsInNormalAttack". If the research item is adding a new weapon to a ship that is used only when the special attack key is pressed (default of E or Z), set this value to "SpecialAttack".
  • UpgradeValue = <fValue>: The multiplier applied to the stat specified by UpgradeName. This parameter is not set if the value of UpgradeType is Ability. Note that this multiplier is not cumulative. Any subsequent research items that modify the same stat replace any previous multipliers.
  • Icon = <sIcon>: The icon to be used in the Research Manager. Possible values are: Icon_Speed, Icon_Health, Icon_Tech, Icon_Ability, and Icon_Build.
  • ShortDisplayedName = <sName>: An abbreviated version of the DisplayName. See DisplayedName regarding the value.

Related Pages

How to Create a New Research Item

Modifiable Values



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