Tutorial 1 : Single Stage Temp and First Derivative Plot - Gnacode/Minicube-PCR-Single-Stage-Temp-Plot-and-Derivative-Plot GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the Minicube-PCR-Single-Stage-Temp-Plot-and-Derivative-Plot wiki!
The first Scipy for Minicubes Tutorial uses data from a Minicube PCR machine to plot the temperature vs time and first derivative of the temperature vs time.
We use the Scipy install of Anaconda 64bit Python 2.7.
The Jupyter Notebook example uses Matplot lib to generate following graph from CSV files included in the GNADATA.ZIP file that needs to be extracted as a new folder in your Windows Documents directory. It also plots the derivative of the temperature and performs some statistics
You can see the full HTML version of the notebook here: Tutorial 1 - Single Stage Temp and Derivative Temp Plot