zzz gca example - GlobalCyberAlliance/pdns GitHub Wiki
NamedCache general methods
addNamedCache([strCacheName]) - create a named cache if it doesn't exist
- parameters:
strCacheName - cache name, defaults to "default"
- example: addNamedCache("yyy")
showNamedCaches() - display list of named caches on terminal
- example: showNamedCaches()
closeNamedCache([strCacheName]) - close a named cache, creates it if doesn't exist.
Used to free up resources used by a no longer needed cache
- parameters:
strCacheName - cache name, defaults to "default"
- example: closeNamedCache("yyy")
reloadNamedCache([strCacheNameA], [maxEntries])
- parameters:
[strCacheName] - named cache to reload - else "default"
[maxEntries] - maxEntries if going to be changed, only
works if "bindToCDB" type named cache.
- example:reloadNamedCache("xxx")
NamedCache methods
getNamedCache([strCacheName]) - get named cache object, create if not exist
- parameters:
strCacheName - cache name, defaults to "default"
- example:
ncx = getNamedCache("xxx")
getStats() - get statistics in a table
- example:
tableStat2 = ncx:getStats()
showStats() - directly print out statistics to console
- example:
resetCounters() - reset statistic counters for the named cache
- example:
wasFileOpenedOK() - return true if cdb file was opened OK
- example:
getErrNum() - return error message number (errno, from last i/o operation)
- example:
getErrMsg() - return error message text
- example:
loadFromCDB() - (re)initialize a new cache entirely into memory
- parameters:
strCacheName - cdb file path name to use
- returns:
true if everything went ok
- examples:
bindToCDB(strCdbName, [maxEntries], [strMode]) - (re)initialize a new lru cache using a cdb file
- parameters:
strCdbName - cdb file path name to use
maxEntries - number of max entries to store in memory
The default is 100000
strMode - "none", "cdb", "all"
none - store nothing in memory
cdb - store cdb hits in memory
all - store all requests (even missed) in memory
The default is "cdb"
- returns:
true if everything went ok
- examples:
loadFromCDB("xxx.cdb", "cdb", 200000)
loadFromCDB("xxx.cdb") -- maxEntries = 100000, type="cdb"
getNamedCacheReasonText(strReason) - get reason text given string number - for debugging
- parameters:
strReason - 'integer' string from QTag field reason
- returns:
string with reason for cache hit
- example:
lookup(strQuery) - use string with dns name & return lua readable table
- parameters:
strQuery - string to lookup in named cache
- example:
iResult = getNamedCache("xxx"):lookup("bad.example.com")
- return lua table with QTag fields:
found - one character string indicating if data found or not
"T" - found with data
"F" - not found, OR found without data
reason - 'integer' value as string:
CACHE_HIT::NOT_READY - -1 (cache not read yet)
CACHE_HIT::HIT_NONE - 0 (match not found)
CACHE_HIT::HIT_CDB - 1 (match found in cdb file, data field not empty)
CACHE_HIT::HIT_CACHE - 2 (match found in cache, data field not empty)
CACHE_HIT::HIT_CACHE_NO_DATA - 3 (match found in cache, empty data field)
CACHE_HIT::HIT_CDB_NO_DATA - 4 (match found in cdb file, empty data field)
data - string from cdb table match
lookupQ(DNSQuestion) - use DNSQuestion & addTag to store search results in DNSQuestion QTag object automatically
called inside lua subroutine setup with addLuaAction().
- QTag table can be read with lua function getTagArray() located inside lua function setup
by RemoteLogAction() which is called before sending information out via protobuf.
- example:
iResult = getNamedCache("xxx"):lookupQ(dq)
- return lua table with QTag fields:
DNSQuestion QTag fields:
Same as the fields for lookup() above.
Example console commands
Create a named cache
Bind the named cache to a cdb with default type ("cdb") and max entries (10000), print true if OK.
Bind the named cache to a cdb with specified type ("cdb") and specified max entries (200000), print true if OK.
print(getNamedCache("aaa"):bindToCDB("blocklist.cdb", "cdb", 200000))
Bind the named cache to a cdb with specified type - "all" - cache cdb & all attempts and default max entries (10000), print true if OK.
print(getNamedCache("aaa"):bindToCDB("blocklist.cdb", "all", 200000))
Load the entire cdb file into memory, print true if OK.
Was the associated file for the named cache opened correctly?
Was there a named cache error - 0 is no error.
Get the named cache error message - zero length string for no error.
Lookup an entry.
See if there was a hit.
If there was a hit, see the associated data.
If there was a hit, see what kind it was.
Get a text description of the reason.
print(string.format("%s", getNamedCacheReasonText(test.reason)))
Show statistics for a named cache on the console.
Get statistics for a named cache in a table.
Reset the statistic counters for a named cache.
Reload a named cache.
Reload a named cache with a different number of max entries (only changes BindToCDB() max entries).
reloadNamedCache("aaa", 23456)
Close down the named cache.
Show all named caches on the console.
Named Cache Test Compilation Notes
The directory zzz-gca-example contains scripts, config files and other test items.
Libraries required (Ubuntu 16.04)
The following libraries were needed to be installed on Ubuntu 16.04 in order to run the build script: pdns/zzz-gca-example/build-dnsdist2-namedcache.sh
lua5.1 (version 5.1, higher versions may cause trouble?)
liblua5.1-dev (version 5.1, higher versions may cause trouble?)
tinycdb (version 0.78)
libcdb-dev (version 0.78)
protobuf-compiler (this was not flagged by autoconf as missing.)
virtualenv (this was not flagged by autoconf as missing.)
Build dnsdist with the libsodium option (needed for protobuf use) and the named caches option enabled by running build-dnsdist2-namedcache.sh
After the initial build, a simple 'make' to recompile a code change can be done by calling ./make-dnsdist2.sh
For testing using the built in protobuf logger test program
Install the following library: pip
Then after installing pip type: pip install protobuf
Ready the powerdns generic protobuf server by generating dnsmessage_pb2.py in pdns/contrib/ by following the instructions in the top couple lines of pdns/contrib/ProtobufLogger.py: run: protoc -I=../pdns/ --python_out=. ../pdns/dnsmessage.proto
A simple test of dnsdist witht he named cache software
Open a console in pdns/zzz-gca-example and run ./protobuf-server2.sh
Open another console in pdns/zzz-gca-example and run ./dnsdist-named-cache-B.sh
Open another console in pdns/zzz-gca-example and run ./dig-test-nocookie.sh
This should produce output in the protobuf server console similar to this (notice that the word FWD appears):
[2017-07-12 17:24:00.414274] Response of size 55: -> (UDP), id: 56469, uuid: 134f672434b34f36bef01ad48b06ec7b
- Question: 1, 1, google.com.
- Query time: 2017-07-12 17:24:00.395219
- Response Code: 0, RRs: 1, Tags: Trans, FWD
- 1, 1, google.com., 299,
From the same console used in step #3 run ./dig-test-nocookie.sh again
This should produce output in the protobuf server console similar to this (notice that the word CACHE appears):
[2017-07-12 17:24:04.693645] Response of size 55: -> (UDP), id: 33312, uuid: 8aa92d90666d4007801c893cd2245a0b
- Question: 1, 1, google.com.
- Query time: 2017-07-12 17:24:04.693599
- Response Code: 0, RRs: 1, Tags: Trans, CACHE
- 1, 1, google.com., 295,
From the same console used in steps #3 and #4 and run ./dig-test-rpz.sh
This should produce output in the protobuf server console similar to this (notice that the word RPZ appears):
[2017-07-12 17:24:26.907319] Response of size 56: -> (UDP), id: 48430, uuid: 59552d4fa7df4944ad1a949a0b970b54
- Question: 1, 1, 1jw2mr4fmky.net.
- Query time: 1969-12-31 19:00:00.0
- Response Code: 3, RRs: 1, Tags: lua-time, 17:24:26-07/12/17,Test1, One Two Three,lua-ver, Lua 5.1,Test2, Four Five Six,Trans, RPZ,RPZ-Info, dga,threatstop,From,,TCP, false
- 1, 1, 1jw2mr4fmky.net., 456,
Further testing: Compile the utility gca_cdb_util at: https://github.com/GlobalCyberAlliance/gca_cdb_util.git
This utility can make cdb files and test operation localy of dnsdist. To test out local operation of dnsdist, run the 'T' or 'U' commands.
Options 'B', 'C' and 'E' are usefull ones for building cdb files.
To change the configuration parameters of the utility, modify the file config.txt which should be in the same directory as gca_cdb_util
To maximize transaction speed you can run ./protobuf-server-alt.sh which starts the protobuf server with no console output in place of the normal one. The python code is located in: pdsn/zzz-gca-example/ProtobufServerAlt and is pretty much a copy of the standard one in contrib/ProtobufLogger.py which most of text processing commented out.
Files that were modified for the named cache version of dnsdist
dnsdist-lua.cc - lua interface functions
dnsdist-lua2.cc - lua interface functions
dnsdist.cc - contains class NamedCacheX and g_namedCaches for map of NamedCaches
Makefile.am - autoconf
configure.ac - autoconf
Files that were created for the named cache version of dnsdist
dnsdist-cdbio.cc - read cdb file object
dnsdist-namedcache.cc - class for a named-cache
dnsdist-nc-lrucache.cc - lru (Least Recently Used) cache object,
new version using std::list & std::unorderedmap
dnsdist-nc-lrucache2.cc - lru (Least Recently Used) cache object
using own DoublyLinkedList object.
dnsdist-nc-mapcache.cc - map cache object
dnsdist-nc-namedcache.cc - mostly virtual functions
dnsdist-nc-nocache.cc - no cache (does nothing) & no cache cdb (just cdb)
dnsdist_enable_namedcache.m4 - autoconf
All new lua commands for named caches (10/10/2017) are located in dnsdist-lua2.cc starting at about line 725
A grep for "GCA" works for getting quickly to modified code segments, except for code in the "new" files listed above.
Important files in the zzz-gca-example directory
build-dnsdist2-namedcache.sh - script to build dnsdist with libsodium and named cache options enabled.
./make-dnsdist2.sh - make file to recompile dnsdist without doing an entire build -
need to have run ./build-dnsdist2-namedcache.sh at least once before.
dnsdist-namedcache-B.conf - 10/4/2017 demonstration config file for dnsdist that uses protobuf and named caches.
./dnsdist-namedcache-B.sh - 10/4/2017 launch dnsdist using the dnsdist-namedcache-B.conf configuration file.
build-dnsdist2.sh - build dnsdist with the libsodium option enabled - needed for protobuf operation.
./protobuf-server2.sh - launch the generic protobuf server which is in pdns/contrib
./protobuf-server-alt.sh - launch the modified generic protobuf server which is in
pnds/zzz-gca-example/ProtobufServerAlt that has no console output for more speed.
./dig-test-nocookie.sh - script to send a regular request to dnsdist,
no cookie option was needed to work with old dnsdist cache bug (fixed now)
./dig-test-nocookie2.sh - script to send a regular request to dnsdist,
no cookie option was needed to work with old dnsdist cache bug (fixed now)
./dig-test-rpz.sh - script to send a rpz request to dnsdist.
./test-all.sh - script to call all regression tests for dnsdist.
./test-protobuf.sh - script to call only the regression test for the protobuf module in dnsdist.
./test-tinycdb.lua - lua code to test the operation of lua, tinycdb and the cdb database together.
dnsdist.conf - config file for dnsdist that does not use tinycdb for simple demonstration.
dnsdist2-complex.conf - config file for dnsdist that uses tinycdb for accessing rpz database.
dnsdist-namedcache.conf - outdated demonstration config file for dnsdist that uses protobuf and named caches.
Why you may want to keep track of ‘missed’ hits in a rpz named cache when using a lru method
Lets say you are using a lru named cache in dnsdist which you set up something like this:
getNamedCache(“xxx”):bindToCDB(“zzz.cdb”, 10000, “cdb”)
It will only populate the lru cache with hits from the zzz.cdb file. The problem is that if you are using the named cache to look for rpz hits which should make up a small percentage of the total dns lookups which are mostly valid. The net effect of this will be to cause a typical lookup to not appear in the lru cache and the rpz cdb file will have to be searched before failing for a valid dns lookup. The way to get around this is to store all lookups presented to the named cache. If they are not found in either the lru cache or the associated cdb file a new entry with an empty data field should be stored in the lru cache. Since all rpz entries in the cdb file contain a data field it is easy to distinguish between rpz hits and those hits that appear in the named cache that should be sent on to a normal lookup by a dns server.
The way to setup the lru named cache for use with a rpz file should be something like this:
getNamedCache(“xxx”):bindToCDB(“zzz.cdb”, 10000, "all")
now the named cache will have entries from all requests with a much less frequent read of the actual cdb file.
If you are storing the entire rpz cdb file in memory with something like this:
This isn’t a problem as if the rpz entry doesn’t exist in the cache, you just go and do a normal dns lookup with little loss in performance.
Example lua code is located in the dnsdist configuration file to demonstrate named caches with protobuf. Please study pdns/zzz-gca-example/dnsdist-named-cache-B.conf.
An example of Lua code in dnsdist configuration file to setup a named cache:
ncx = getNamedCache("xxx") -- create a named cache called xxx,
-- set ncx to the NamedCacheX object
strCDB = "../db/blocklist.cdb" -- declare string to location of cdb file
ncx:bindToCDB(strCDB) -- initialize named cache
ncx:showStats() -- show statistics for object ncx
Example of looking for match in rpz db in the dnsdist configuration file
function luaCheckBL(dq)
local tResult = getNamedCache("xxx"):lookupQ(dq)
print(string.format("luaCheckBL ->lookupQ called"))
print(string.format("found.: %s ", tResult.found))
print(string.format("reason: %s (%s)", tResult.reason, getNamedCacheReasonText(tResult.reason)))
print(string.format("data..: %s ", tResult.data))
if(tResult.found == "T")
return DNSAction.None, "" -- cache hit, continue on to next rule
return DNSAction.Pool, "masterpool" -- use the specified pool to forward this query
Example of sending rpz match data out to protobuf
function luaLogBL(dr, pbMsg) -- this is the lua code that executes for a request
local tableTags = dr:getTagArray() -- get array of tags
pbMsg:setTagArray(tableTags) -- store tableTags in the 'tags' field of the protobuf
pbMsg:setResponseCode(dnsdist.NXDOMAIN) -- set protobuf resp code to be NXDOMAIN
local strReqName = dr.qname:toString() -- get request dns name
pbMsg:setProtobufResponseType() -- set time, but no RR - no seconds or uSec values
blobData = '\127' .. '\000' .. '\000' .. '\001' --, note: lua 5.1only embed dec not hex
pbMsg:addResponseRR(strReqName, 1, 1, 456, blobData)
-- set protobuf to look like response and not query
-- rr type 1 - ‘A’ , a 32 bit type ipv4 address
-- rr class 1 - internet address
-- rr ttl - time-to-live in seconds
-- rr blob data - the 32 bit ipv4 hex address
Example of rules in dnsdist configuration file to set up rpz checking
addLuaAction(AllRule(), luaCheckBL) -- first, check blacklist, if match process next rule below, else send to "masterpool"
addAction(AllRule(), RemoteLogAction(rlBlkLst, luaLogBL)) -- send out protobuf for rpz hit
addLuaAction(AllRule(), luaRetNXDOMAIN) -- then send nxdomain response back to the client.
addAction(AllRule(), PoolAction("masterpool")) -- direct req that are not RPZ to pool "masterpool"
addCacheHitResponseAction(AllRule(), RemoteLogResponseAction(rlCache, luaLogCache)) -- send out protobuf on reg cache hit
addResponseAction(AllRule(), RemoteLogResponseAction(rlFwd, luaLogForward)) -- send out protobuf on forward (normal) out