ƒ.url - Get-Kraken/fixx GitHub Wiki


parameter(parameter, url)

returns the value of a url parameter / variable on the current page's url
url is OPTIONAL: can supply a different url from the current page url if required.

example: assume the url is http://www.site.com?product=123&category=paper

ƒ.url.get.parameter('product'); → 123
ƒ.url.get.parameter('category'); → 'paper'

with custom url:

ƒ.url.get.parameter('product', 'http://www.site.com?product=123&category=paper'); 
// → 123

ƒ.url.get.parameter('category', 'http://www.site.com?product=123&category=paper'); 
// → 'paper'


toggleChar(url) (dependent on ƒ.string)

Used for dynamically building urls that might have url parameters already. This method will check and return the appropriate variable toggle character i.e. ? or &


ƒ.url.get.toggleChar('http://www.site.com'); // → '?'
ƒ.url.get.toggleChar('http://www.site.com?product=123&category=paper'); // → '&'


contains(term, toLower) (dependent on ƒ.string)

url string search with optional toLower boolean
uses the current page url
assuming the following url: http://www.site.com?product=123&category=Paper

ƒ.url.contains('paper'); // → false
ƒ.url.contains('Paper'); // → true
ƒ.url.contains('paper', true); // → true

to search a custom url for a substring, use:

ƒ.string.contains('url','substring');  // → true / false