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Using default Bridges

Oleksandr Garmatin edited this page Apr 26, 2024 · 7 revisions

Bridge servers (or “bridges” for short) are Tor servers that aren’t listed in the main Tor directory. Since there is no complete public list of them, even if your ISP is filtering connections to all the known Tor servers, they probably won’t be able to block all the bridges. If you suspect your access to the Tor network is being blocked, you may want to use bridges.

It is perfectly possible that even if your ISP filters internet, you do not require a bridge to use Tor. So you should try to use Tor without bridges first since it might work.

InviZible Pro contains several built-in bridges. Obfs4, obfs3 and webtunnel bridges are publicly distributed with the application, and censors can easily block some of them, so some of them may not work. In this case you will have to get new bridges that are not publicly available.

InviZIble Pro also provides default snowflake, meek_lite and conjure bridges. These types of bridges work in a different manner than the above mentioned ones, so you should try them, as it is really hard for censors to block them.

InviZible Pro also provides default vanilla bridges. But this is actually a trick. These bridges are not built-in, but are requested from a special Tor Project database. InviZible is able to connect to it and provide bridges suited exclusively for your ISP and location. These bridges are preferably used with the Fake SNI option.

In any case, it’s better to request new bridges after establishing Tor connection, because the default ones may eventually stop working.

Open MENU -> Fast Settings -> Bridges

Select "Use Bridges Default List"

You can enable all of them to use with Tor

Obfs4 and webtunnel bridges are the most commonly used type of bridges. But depending on your location, ISP or network, you may select the other type.

Meek_lite bridge is slow, so it should be used in situations where the obfs4 or webtunnel bridges are not working, or to request new obfs4 or webtunnel bridges, or to get new special default vanilla bridges as mentioned above.

Snowflake bridge is a new and progressive technology for censorship circumvention.

You should give time for snowflake to find a proxy, at least 3-5 minutes. But if it can’t establish a connection, you can try changing the rendezvous point.

Open MENU -> Tor Settings -> Select rendezvous

Once you connected to the Tor network using Default Bridges it is recommended to Request New Bridges!

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