To execute the program currently in memory, or to load a file from the diskette into memory and run it. ## Syntax `RUN [line number][,r]` `RUN filename[,r]` ## Comments `RUN` or `RUN line number` runs the program currently in memory. If *line number* is specified, execution begins on that line. Otherwise, execution begins at the lower line number. If there is no program in memory when `RUN` is executed, BASIC returns to command level. `RUN filename` closes all open files and deletes the current memory contents before loading the specified file from disk into memory and executing it. The `r` option keeps all data files open. If you are using the speaker on the computer, please note that executing the `RUN` command will turn off any sound that is currently running and will reset to Music Foreground. Also, the [PEN](PEN) and [STRIG](STRIG) Statements are reset to `OFF`. ## Examples ```vb RUN "NEWFIL", R ``` Runs *NEWFIL.BAS* without closing data files.