Home - CleverNucleus/data-attributes GitHub Wiki


This wiki documents the following:

  • Using Data Attributes as a dependency for your mod (Gradle).
  • Changing attribute's default, minimum and maximum values, as well as their translation key.
  • Adding new attributes.
  • Modifying the contents of a living entity's attribute container.
  • Attribute Functions.
  • Attribute Properties.
  • Relevant Json formatting.
  • API structure and usage.

To navigate the wiki, please use the sidebar.

Integrating Data Attributes

To add Data Attributes as a dependency to your mod, add the following to your build.gradle.

repositories {
    maven {
        url = "https://www.cursemaven.com"
dependencies {
    modImplementation "curse.maven:dataattributes-<projectId>:<fileId>"

The last number after the colon refers to the file id; you should always try to use the latest file.

Instead of using cursemaven, it is recommended to download the DataAttributes github repository and publish it to your local maven; implementing DataAttributes this way is advantageous as cursemaven can be slow and it is better to use a full maven artifact rather than just adding a completely built dependency.

Please note that Data Attributes requires Fabric API, so your build.gradle will have to accommodate that.

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