Project Meeting 2021.05.06 - ActivitySim/activitysim GitHub Wiki

Phase 6a work

  • Finishing up task 7, usability improvements and task 4, transit pass ownership model
  • Need to review comments on task 3, telecommute model design
    • why work from home after work location?
  • Planning to share progress on these items next week
  • Will do a release when these features are ready
  • Will be talking later today with AMPO about transferring over the GitHub and Travis accounts

Phase 6b planning

  • Discussed IRFP questions, ideas with bench contractors
  • Start phase 7 scoping in July
  • $10k time and materials for support for each contractor for task 5
  • Task 1 PM will be time and materials as well and there's some overlap with task 5
  • Task 1 is lead, Task 5 is assistance
  • Realize can't do everything in task 4 and there were significant differences in the initial responses so please draft a proposal for the consortium to consider
  • For orca task, the goal is to clean up the licensing issues
  • Orca now bsd-3 so maybe we can revert to keeping it as an official dependency
  • We don't want to remove the injectables, just clean up the licensing issues
  • For data vis solutions, make sure to include licensing costs for commercial options
  • What data sources to use for vehicle type model? Need to design, implement, and validate a model using one of the existing example test beds as the starting point
  • It doesn't have to be a perfect model for a specific region, but needs to work and show it produces reasonable results
  • Could we use NHTS data?
  • It doesn't need to be integrated into downstream models
  • Needs to be part of Travis mini tests moving forward
  • Task 1 and 5 time and materials, and task 2, 3, 4 would prefer deliverable-based
  • Additional partners are joining soon. Let's discuss this and more marketing activities on a later call.