Project Meeting 2021.04.20 - ActivitySim/activitysim GitHub Wiki

Technical Call

  • No new issues
  • Release ready to go, just adding a few more bits of documentation based on suggestions from the open issues
  • Currently includes the draft transit pass models, but we'll hold those back as we finalize them
  • Discuss updated transit pass model design
    • removed Clipper card respondents if they have a Clipper card but no passes loaded on it
    • re-estimated with two separate models, a subsidy model and a pass model
    • also added workplace accessibility term
    • separate models are probably easier to estimate / apply in separate regions since each requires less comprehensive observed data
    • subsidy model run first and then subsidy variable included in the pass model
    • different types of persons - for example seniors and kids - can have different subsidy levels and pass discounts
    • It is difficult to get the fare discount data we need from household travel surveys or OBS
    • But we'll express a subsidy and pass discount distribution or average by market segments and then assign a value to persons for use in mode choice
    • In mode choice then, each person will see a fare skim and a discount/modifier
    • We'll draft examples by market segment / user group - student, senior, employer, operator
    • To do operator, you'd need a skim to identify the OD pair uses the operator
    • Models are insensitive to pass value over time with respect to service / auto operating costs, etc. - this temporal stability is cooked into the constant
  • Discuss chunking improvement
    • Plan is for the user to specify amount of RAM available and then have asim figure out the right chunksize given the number of processes
    • This is more difficult than expected since numpy and pandas and Windows do many memory allocations things/tricks
    • It is difficult to know how much memory (...i.e. real RAM you are using at any point in time)
    • Windows will create a swap disk as well without you knowing, which is much slower
    • There are many memory metrics as well which makes the task even more complicated
    • Looked at how others do this, for example Dask, and it uses RSS as its memory metric to track, so we're going to use that as well
    • So, basically rewriting the chunker
    • And then will need to spend considerable time testing it on a real server with a real problem (i.e. a 100% full scale run)
    • Since numpy and the low level C/C++ code block allocates (and releases) memory and so small problems don't really exercise the functionality
    • Will also try to re-use the calculated setup as Alex suggests, but it might not save a lot of time....we'll see
    • In summary, numpy and pandas are not designed to get the last bit of juice out of the orange
    • They are essentially designed with unlimited RAM in mind
    • And for problems where you just need a ton of RAM for a sec; not for hours like we need with ABMs
  • Discuss work from home iterative what-if feature
    • new settings
      • WORK_FROM_HOME_COEFFICIENT_CONSTANT: coef_work_from_home_constant
    • iterate
        1. make choices
        1. calculate current work from home percent and compare to target
        1. if current percent not within target tolerance, calculate new constant
      • new_coefficient = log( target_percent / current_percent ) + current_coefficient
        1. repeat until converged or number of iterations reached